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Annisa Nur Hayati
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"Second Change"

6 April 2018   07:19 Diperbarui: 6 April 2018   08:44 233
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Seven years ago, I was going home after the lesson activity ended. I walked with my friends. After five minutes walked, I arrived in my lovely home. I tried to call my mother, but there is no answer. Then, I went to kitchen and got some water.  After drunk the water, I heard my aunt call me. I answer it and went to her. She said that, I should have a lunch in her home. When I asked where is my mom, she just answer that my mom was buying groceries in market. After that, I went to my aunt's home and have a lunch with my cousins. After have a lunch, I played with my cousins.

Three hours later, I was bored with our activity. Then I went to my home. Still, my mother wasn't in home. I tried to call my father, but there is no answer again. Directly, I came back to my aunt's house and asked where my parent is. Suddenly, my aunt hugged me and I was shocking. She was crying and I was confused.  She whispered in my ears then said that my mother got traffic accident. I was very shocked after my aunt told me that my mother got traffic accident. After that all I did was crying.

Two days later, my aunt brought me to hospital to visit my mother. When I arrived in my mother's room, nurse said that I cannot enter the room because I was under age. Then I was crying because I missed my mother so much. My aunt said that yesterday my mother got brain concussion surgery, and until now her condition was unstable. After that my aunt hugged me and calmed me. At that time, I was very afraid and hopeless. They said that there are many possibilities that my mother would get amnesia or disable. I was afraid that I lost my mother.

A week later, finally I could meet my mother. Gratefully, my mother did not get amnesia and disable, she still my mother and never change. Day by day my mother's health improved and better than before. I was very happy because of it. Thanks god for the second change. I don't know how my life would be if I lost my mother. My mother was my hero for me. She still strong in every condition. She always fights in everything for her family. I love her so much.

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