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National Symposium Towards Literary Theory "Jungkir Balik Dunia Budi Darma", Not Just a Rembrance of Budi Darma's Work

28 Oktober 2021   19:32 Diperbarui: 28 Oktober 2021   19:46 58
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

In order to commemorate the legend in the world of Indonesian literature, Prof. Budi Darma, M.A, pH.D, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya held a national symposium entitled "Towards Literary Theory "Dunia Jungkir Balik Budi Darma". 

The symposium, which was held on September 14, 2021, was attended by 16 speakers, of whom they were Indonesian writers and some of whom were closest people to Prof. Budi Darma, M.A, pH.D.

Prof. Dr. H. Budi Darma, M.A. born on April 25, 1937. He is an Indonesian writer, essayist, and academic who has worked as a professor at the Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Professor Budi Darma started writing since 1968. 

His writings are in the form of short stories, novels, essays, or papers for various meetings. According to the speakers, Professor Budi Darma is someone who has a smart personality, humble, polite, but also a firm person. He is known as a good teacher, respected by students, and humanist. 

Not only giving knowledge, he also teaches morals to his students in order to motivate people to act with goodness based on the obligation to be moral. 

The passing of the figure of Professor Budi Darma gave deep sorrow to his family, friends, to colleagues and the world of Indonesian literature. 

Professor Budi Darma's dedication to the world of literature cannot be doubted. He has produced extraordinary works until he has won several awards, both on a national and international scale.

The symposium was divided into four sessions, each session discussing the world of writing in the style of Professor Budi Darma and how Professor Budi Darma's figure was in the eyes of his friends and his contribution to the world of Indonesian literature. 

The event, which was held through a zoom meeting, was attended by participants from several circles, including academics, writers, students, and the general public.

Students were the ones who dominated this event, one of the students who took part in this symposium was Aulia Anggraini. Aulia is a student at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, majoring in English Language and Literature. 

The reason she joined this symposium was because she wanted to know more about the figure of Professor Budi Darma in the eyes of the speakers (writers). 

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