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Leader Is Function, Leader In Function

25 November 2015   16:02 Diperbarui: 25 November 2015   16:02 18
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Leader always has the anger inside of him, there is “this is not right” statement in his mind which will come out over and over. Through the anger, he will find the solution and use it to solve the problem. Because he is the one who find solution, he will bring the value and inspire other through action that he does first and guide others to do base on their uniqueness. This way makes him to become a servant leader who gives the model to be followed.

A leader sees a problem and solve it. According to wisest man’s statement in his era: “where there is no vision, the people perish.” This is the reason why there is always a leader. He who sees the problem, have courage and will to solve as their functioning their gift. Leader is always be needed, he takes in charge.

After functioning their gift to help and develop others, by the others he will be acknowledged as the person who lead themselves. When this is happened, structural becomes arranged. The leader keeps their function to take care, develop and deploy the others to be the next leader and hand to hand with him accomplish the bigger purpose. In this journey, the leader will be so firm eith their identity. They discipline the undiscipline people who doesn’t want to be developed.

The leader develop the folks through understand the strength of each person, develop them in their own uniqueness strength and make the folks see their own potential.

The leader inspires others to do the value of leadership by doing it through their own ways or strength.


Dominic Toreto in FF7, Jesus in His era, Myles Munroe, Nelson Mandela, Soekarno, Abraham Lincoln, etc.

Leader Is Function, Leader In Function


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