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The Culture of National Ancestors Becomes The Foundation of Integrity for The Progress of the Country

20 Februari 2020   06:40 Diperbarui: 20 Februari 2020   06:39 44
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

The construction of a strong nation that adheres to the noble values of its culture will be able to realize human action with nature in it and be able to provide a full state of life with quality.    

We can see things like relics of objects and non-fines of our ancestors to date, such as batik, angklung, reog, silat, keris, kertagama state, etc. That is all when we examine in depth why so many of these ancestral relics, and what does it relate to the foundation of the integrity of the country's progress? Then the writer wants to dissect one by one the meaning of the relic.   

Batik in philosophy and hope that since childhood someone already has good values, so that they are respected by the community. While the creation of bamboo music such as Angklung is based on an agrarian Sundanese outlook on life with a source of life from rice (pare) as its staple food. 

There are also relics of dances such as Reog traditional dance in an open arena that serves as people's entertainment, contains magical elements, the main dancer is a lion-headed person with a decoration of peacock feathers, plus several masked dancers and lumping riding, and this dance is very much of meaning for life if studied in depth. 

Then Silat, the ancestors of the Indonesian people, had a way of self-defense aimed at protecting and defending their lives or groups from the challenges of nature. They create martial arts by imitating the movements of animals in the natural environment, such as movements of apes, tigers, snakes, or eagles. 

The origin of martial arts in the archipelago is likely to also develop from the skills of indigenous Indonesian tribes to hunt and fight using machetes, shields and spears, for example as in the Nias tribal tradition which until the 20th century was relatively untouched by outside influences. 

Silat is thought to have spread across the archipelago since the 7th century AD, but its origins have not yet been determined with certainty. Major kingdoms, such as Srivijaya and Majapahit, are said to have great warriors who mastered martial arts and could gather warriors whose skills in self-defense could be relied upon. 

Silat researcher Donald F. Draeger believes that evidence of martial arts can be seen from various weapons artifacts found from the classical period (Hindu-Buddhist) as well as on relief sculptures containing the attitudes of silat horses in the temples of Prambanan and Borobudur. In his book, Draeger writes that weapons and martial arts are not inseparable, not only in body work, but also in spiritual relations that are closely related to Indonesian culture. 

Whereas the Keris which is a legendary legacy, especially in Java, has cultural values inherent in the philosophy of life. "Keris is ageman, it can be interpreted as clothing or clothing. Brojol keris is a symbol out of a problem. Kakawin or Negarakertagama describes the situation in the Majapahit palace during the reign of King Hayam Wuruk, the great king in Java and the Archipelago. 

He enthroned from 1350 until 1389 AD, at the height of the Majapahit empire, one of the largest kingdoms that ever existed in the archipelago, the most important part of this text, of course, was to describe the "areas" of the Majapahit kingdom which had to pay tribute. Nagarakretagama is written in the form of Old Javanese kakawin (poetry). 

Each kakawin consists of four lines, called on. Each line consists of eight to 24 syllables, called a dimension. This kakawin script consists of 98 poems, divided into two parts, each of which consists of 49 poems. Each poem consists of between one to ten on. Viewed from the point of view, the distribution of these poems has been done very neatly.   

Thus what has been left by the ancestors of this nation is very complete and can be used as a timeless reference.   When we have been sadae on what position we are in the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and what to do in this Unitary Republic of Indonesia with conditions like this, then the writer is reminded of footage from the father of the nation who helped liberate Indonesia from the invaders namely. 

Bung Hatta, when during his life had finished studying the condition of the Indonesian nation and the results of his thinking, it still became a reference solution for all the problems of the nation and the state until now.

Mohammad Hatta, or commonly referred to as Bung Hatta, is one of the figures recognized by the integration of the Indonesian people. Bung Hatta's integrity was seen when keeping secrets about the sanering policy (cutting currency values) in August 1959. At that time Bung Hatta kept the secret meeting, including from the budget.

The sanering policy implemented in Indonesia at that time was to replace the value of the currency, for example from Rp 500 to Rp 50, and Rp 1,000 to Rp 100. That was done to increase the rate of increase that continued to hit Indonesia until the early 1960s. this is related to this policy. Finally finally revealed finished buying a sewing machine, which was eventually returned. 

At that time, Bung Hatta said to those spoken to, "The interests of the state have nothing to do with fostering family interests. The state's secrets are kept secret. Even though I can trust you, this security secret cannot be leaked to anyone. Let us search for it. something in the interest of "the whole country. We try to save again, yes. " 

Another example, Bung Hatta had deposited non-budgetary funds to the state, amounting to Rp6 million. The funds are the remainder of its operational needs as long as the vice president of the Republic of Indonesia is required. 

A very large number during his leadership, but he refused. He returned all the money to the country. Bung Hatta in his daily life also always adheres to the German proverb, which understands "the attitude of a human being commensurate with getting food."

Based on the excerpt above according to the author is an ideal life context, in order to realize the progress of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. 

Why is that? Because when we look back at the glory of the archipelago to the royal gait that is in the country, then that conception is what is needed by our country today to implement the Indonesian archipelago system to the Republic of Indonesia. In order for the integrity of the progress of the state to be achieved quickly, surely it must be started by oneself or the young people of the hope of this nation and country.

Name  : Ambaransyah Pradipta ALBaihaqi, S.H.

Badko : Jawa Timur

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