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Ilmu Sosbud

Fake Marriage Syndicates

15 April 2021   23:29 Diperbarui: 15 April 2021   23:49 40
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In the program Telusur Tv One which airs on April 14, 2021 at 22.00 WIB, it discusses fake marriage book syndicates carried out by irresponsible individuals who are only concerned with profit without thinking about the consequences or long effects of the data falsification carried out.

The Tv One reporter tried to trace and find traces of this marriage book forgery syndicate network through one of the suspects who had been arrested and interrogated and asked for information regarding the syndicate of this marriage book forgery network. And the result is this syndicate network can be dismantled and in less than 24 hours the other perpetrators can be immediately arrested and secured by the police.

From the results of the statement of one of the perpetrators of this marriage book forgery, he admitted that he had committed the crime he had committed for the last five years and that the marriage book he had produced had been widely spread in Bekasi and Jakarta areas. He also said that most of his customers were married couples who were married in sirri where they ordered the marriage book for the sake of formality.

After the perpetrators were arrested by officers, there was an error in the screening of the fake marriage book syndicate case, where the perpetrators who were arrested were only covered with masks without blurring their faces more so that the perpetrators of these crimes were more private and not easily recognized by them. society in general.

This is very important in maintaining ethics and manners in broadcasting news to the public so that the public will indirectly be educated by broadcasting news that has quality and does not ignore ethics and manners in broadcasting so that in the future the news will not become a stumbling block for them. broadcasters.

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