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Adryan B. P.
Adryan B. P. Mohon Tunggu... -

Graphic designer dan CEO Berpengalaman dalam branding identity melalui mascot dan Illustrasi. Lulusan DKV ITENAS tahun 2008-2013. Dan seorang ayah yang selalu memberikan usaha terbaik untuk keluarga.



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How to Take Control of Your Life

6 Maret 2016   14:57 Diperbarui: 6 Maret 2016   15:08 98
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

Now back at you. Can you relate yourself towards that kind character? If no, then it's obvious why you failed all the times. You don't have the integrity. Be a person who can stick to what he says. If you can't make things happen when you say you can, then you have no integrity. If you don't want to do it then don't say it. And when you say you will do it, then be prepared to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

That powerful personality is your integrity, stick to what you have said to start believing in yourself. 

3. Be grateful, think about the children in Africa you ungrateful piece of shirt

Seriously though, if you can't even appreciate what you already have right now, how could you possibly know what you can actually control. The third step for you to take after you already be a responsible person with integrity is to humbly accept the situation you are in. By admitting all the grace you have right now, you will learn to value your life more. Being grateful is such an amazing way for you to start taking control from what you already have. Let me tell you about it further.

Just call this girl Anna. She's been living a generous life for over twenty years now. Never she had one day with worries about what to have for dinner or her school fund to Harvard. And she's smart, unlike her friends that waste their parents money to buy fancy stuff just to show other people how trendy they are, Anna use her money to help others and mostly save it for her future. She always use the money that her parent gave her wisely. Because she's being grateful to what she have at the moment, she have full control over her emotion towards money and wealth. And even after her parents divorced she keep feeling grateful and appreciate what she have. Never once Anna feeling sad or helpless because of that attitude. In this situation we can see that wealth or life asset have nothing to do with self control as long as someone is being grateful.

The opposite thing will happen to ungrateful people. I have seen people whining over their luxury car. Even though he has wealth, he doesn't have control over his world. And slowly people like this will lose one thing after the other because of the ungrateful attitude. When you can't appreciate things properly, you will waste it, simply says: no control over your life.

Be grateful to start taking control of all the grace that you already have.


Those three are the most important things that I realized play a big role in most of the people life. Always remember that you live in society where you are whether being controlled or taking control. Be the one who have the power to decide one's own destiny over other influence. I hope you will find answer for problems that happened in your life. Stop looking to the outside to blame, get a mirror and start reflecting yourself. Be the best person you really are. It's time to take control of your live. 

I hope this is relate-able and could help all the reader to move towards glorious life. If you like what you read, please add score and share it to someone that might need some reading. Thank you :)

also available to read at wattpad

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