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A Living Dictionary

11 April 2011   07:24 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:55 184
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One of my lecturers, a pastor, is a living dictionary. We call him so because he knows almost everything. Although he has so wide views and knowledge, he is a simple and humble man. He never shows off his ability in memorizing things. He is still willing to be criticized or to get ideas or opinions from anybody even from his students.

What has he done that makes him a living dictionary? He reads a lot. He likes reading very much. Although he is a pastor, he doesn’t only read theological books or materials. He reads almost everything. Since he was a senior high school student, he has started reading at least a book each month. He prefers to buy a new book than a new shirt.

Many people read a lot but forget what they have read very soon. On the other hand, this pastor can memorize everything he has read. How can he do it? He always takes a note whenever he gets something new. He, even, has his own ‘dictionary’. So, it’s not surprising that he is a living dictionary.

One day, I got the chance to come to his house in Purwokerto. He invited me to enter his room. I was amazed. The room was full of books. “Books are a secret friendship,” he said. “You may discuss things with genius people,” he added.

Although he knows a lot of complicated terms, he explains the subjects he teaches in simple language, simple words. In this way, it’s easy for us students to catch his teaching. (ds)

Chosen as one of the winners of "The Power of Books" KG Fair Surabaya

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