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Become an Entrepreneur? Why Not?

26 Februari 2020   19:30 Diperbarui: 26 Februari 2020   19:31 105
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Key factors to success in business:

  1. Make specialisation: run a business based on passion and talent.
  2. Make differentiation: different, have specialty, what the best thing you can do?
  3. Choose segmentation: market's segment, define the costumers, etc.
  4. Concentration: focus only on one business, can open other businesses only if you've just successfully run the first one.

4 Steps to financial success:

  1. Desire: burning desire, have strong commitment, make long-term and short-term goals, delay gratitude (do not spend the money but make other investment's plans).
  2. Decision: make the decision now and pay the price (time, energy, money, action, effort), and be on the line.
  3. Determination: stay on the line and never quit until reach the success.
  4. Discipline: have the habits of a successful person (start earlier, work harder, stay later, and learn anything necessary to achieve your financial success). So the goal could be achieved: "If it's to be, it's up to me!" (Success is in my hands).

The last but not the least: the main difference from a successful entrepreneur and the one who is still in struggling is that the ability of the way of thinking.

In this seminar, I have learned a series of brilliant ideas and blueprint that would be needed to survive & thrive in business competition. If you are interested in learning more about this theme and alike, you could get it from Brian Tracy's book titled "Getting Rich Your Own Way: Achieve All Your Financial Goals Faster than You Ever Thought Possible". Good luck!*

*A note from Brian Tracy's Seminar themed "Getting Rich Your Own Way", held by Excellent Learning Center in Jakarta.

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