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Humaniora Pilihan

Make Your Intention Proper

6 Mei 2020   20:05 Diperbarui: 6 Mei 2020   21:18 33
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It has been wonderful talking about some difficult times in life and how to cope with them. Actually, we must believe that all those problems 'should exist' in our lives in order to make the better us. Don't we think that being the better person day by day would be an amazing process in our life? Would you love to see that one day in future you will become the winner after passing all those testing paths? Of course, YES!

Now then, please always be cautious in time when we are facing tough times. Sometimes there are many things happen alongside of them, too, as if those things will become some distractions to be got rid of as soon as possible. 

As humans, we might not realise that those things, perhaps, would become some advantages to deal with them as well so as to resolve our real problems!

Let's imagine this: You have got a problem. In this case, you must submit a home-exam that has got a tight deadline and the due date of its submission will be next week (let say that working on home-exam always be your weakness at schools. So this would be a real problem for you if compared to other fellow students).

You, unquestionably, need special time as well as quiet environment to accomplish it. It seems that there is no way around that you would postpone it even for a day. Yet you are preparing to get your full concentration for it. 

But suddenly, you have got a phone call that your best friend need your immediate assistance to accompany her mother in the hospital, whilst she is doing an important thing outside the hospital. She has no other family members and/or relatives to ask for at the time it happens and she really counts on you! What will you do? It is quite a dilemma, isn't it? 

In spite of this, you may try to see it from different angles. The thing is that you could consider it as a good chance to do a good deed!

Hence, make your intention proper and pray that you would like to please God by doing it, and that you dare to 'sacrifice' your own important matter to be resolved first (i.e. working on home-exam as scheduled). In this regards, keep your faith and help your friend for the sake of God, and that God will take good care of the rest for you!*

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