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Breathing Exercises Help You to Stay Calm and Relaxed

13 November 2019   01:49 Diperbarui: 17 November 2019   23:14 48
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Have you got any problem or difficult situation that you still can’t overcome right away? Don’t panic. Never let your worries, fears, sadness, and/or burdens take over your mind, body and soul. Instead, you may try to be calm and relaxed. Why? It has been said that maintaining yourself to stay calm and relaxed can help you to see all things around you more clearly and you ultimately get used to see things from various perspectives from this day forward; and thus, you would not easily get stressed in life.

It is advised that whatever difficult circumstances you are facing, you may be willing to do breathing exercises, as follows:

  • Take a deep breath: breathe in through your nose for 8 seconds, hold your breath for 8 seconds, and then breathe out through your mouth for 8 seconds. You can count “one-two-three-four-five…” in your head to help you relax. So the comparison of the duration each would be 8:8:8 or you may make it to 10:10:10.
  • Subsequently, look above you (at the sky) and try to recall the happiest moments that you ever experienced in the past or alternatively you may ‘create’ your own happiest moment in future!
  • And thereafter give yourself a very big smile! :D

Therefore, regardless of what difficult problem that you deal with or how hard you feel, breathing exercises may help you to release stress and improve lung function immediately as well as retain yourself to feel calm and relaxed. In this way, for your own sake, you could even preserve your health in the long run.*

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