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Communication UAJY 2020 // I am going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be what who I really I am. I'm going to figure out what that is



Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Don't Underestimate Animals that Has Big Impact in Our Life!

7 Desember 2020   17:23 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2020   17:25 33
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Primates are cute animals that have an important role on earth. These animals play a role in protecting tropical forests and subtropics. The dirt that falls to the ground makes the soil fertile. Forests can be maintained and continue to thrive are also influenced by the movements of primates that fall to the ground because these movements make tree seeds fall and grow fertile.

Forests are one of the important players in life on earth. Forests are oxygen producers, without a forest ecosystem, humans will not have a permanent source of oxygen. Tropical rainforests also influence global rainfall patterns. If the number of trees on this earth decreases, less moisture rises into the atmosphere, this causes less rain to fall on the earth so that water sources also decrease.

6. Toad

Frogs are one of the animals that are considered ridiculous because they look less attractive, their voices are quite disturbing and their bodies have myopia, which makes us quite careful. However, frogs can also be processed food tablets. Frogs also act as bio-indicators because their skin is able to absorb substances that are in their environment. Changes in frog skin can be used as an indicator of pollution and contamination that occurs in the area's environment.

7. Ants

Ants are animals that we often encounter anywhere, at home, on the road and anywhere. Ants can be found in almost all existing ecosystems. Although ants are often killed and considered a nuisance, these little creatures are very helpful in creating healthy soil for plants to thrive. This occurs when the ants dig into the ground and build tunnels and allow air to enter the ground. This activity is very helpful in decomposition by recycling the nutrients in the soil.

8. Bats

Bats are animals that are often identified as creepy animals and are blood-sucking animals. But actually bats are animals that bring a lot of good to life on earth. The reason is because bats can kill mosquitoes, mosquitoes carry many dangerous diseases for humans such as malaria and dengue fever. Bats can kill mosquitoes by eating about 1000 mosquitoes in one hour.

These animals are considered by us to be trivial, but they play a very important role in life on earth. According to the book English For FISIP Unit 18, I strongly agree if you say that animals make us not lonely, many people raise animals and make animals as friends that accompany daily life, animals also understand human feelings, animals can comfort humans when they are sad . Pets also reduce stress, because usually animals are cute and can be played with so they get entertainment.

Referensi :

Analisis (2019,11 April) Peran Penting Beberapa Hewan Bagi Manusia. Diakses pada tanggal 3 Desember 2020

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