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It's Time to Children to Claim Their Right!

16 November 2019   06:31 Diperbarui: 16 November 2019   06:32 14
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World Children Day November 20th 2019

World celebration for children right is near. Have you prepare. It's 20 November 2019, UNICEF celebrating "World Children Day". World Children Day is a day which is celebrating the 30 years of the convention of  the right of the child. This convention help the world to help transform children lives around the globe. 

This celebration goal is to celebrate and also giving the children opportunities to speak about their right. And than what is have been planed ?

In this year of World Children Day UN give us the clear plan about what we can do to help this Celebration to continue. For example there are several activities which we can include : 

First as children you have to know your right and able to speak out and use the hashtag #WorldChildrensDay, Second as a parent you have to help your children to know their right, Third as teacher you can contribute in planing the World Children Day Lesson for the children, as Business you can help by host the children take over, and last as the goverment you can supported the global pledge. 

You can see the expectation on that day in this link 

and be brave to express your self on Wolrd Children Day in the upcoming 20 November 2019!

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