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"One Man Can Makes A Difference"

23 November 2017   22:14 Diperbarui: 23 November 2017   22:21 334
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

A change can only occur when a revolutionaire speaks their aspiration and contribute. It all started with a man's thought on how this world is revolving. Without those pioneers what is Indonesia now? We would still be chained beneath superiors whose identity is unclear. Women would still be used for pleasure, Men for their forces and children suppressed to watch "other" children studying on an institution and abandoned by their dead father and mother. How fortunate are we to live in this era albeit having our mouth constantly covered.

No flaw is what this society demands us to be. Even so, everyone has that so called flaws. But not everyone have courage. Let's talk a bit about courage and where you can cultivate it. Where does courage came from? Does it exist because of genetics? How our parents foster us? Or is it picked accidentally on the ground? So where does courage actually come from? One thing for sure it is a habit. We are not born to this world with courage. It needs to be trained bit by bit. It's a muscle in need of an exercise. Try to start with something small like admitting your mistakes and slowly make your way up.

Consequently, stand out! Have confidence in what you do and be proud of it. When you are praised for the good deeds you have made don't hide beneath the ground or try to divert the topic. But say your appreciation such as thanks or yeah it is nice. It does feel like you are going against the grain but is that a sin? Stand out in what you do best and have confidence in your masterpieces.

Lastly, make a difference. It is for sure not an easy task to be done or something to be taken for granted. But try your best. Small things can make a difference and big things can also make one. The difference is only the target you are implying to. One man can makes a difference. Just be responsible towards the changes you are trying to make.

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