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Steps to Take in Turning Your Passion into Your Dream Job

23 November 2019   16:07 Diperbarui: 23 November 2019   16:06 41
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How would you feel if we tell you that we have simple tips that you can follow to turn what you're passionate about into your dream job -- turning your life upside down?

Sound like something you are interested in?

We got you!

Do you know why it's important to do something that you are passionate about? It has everything to do with your health and well-being. Imagine living a life where you have to work a 9 to 5 job, where you wake up feeling miserable because you will be repeating the same old boring routine, which consists of going to work in a place that you don't like, doing things that you don't give two cares about, have lunch, go back to work, and then finally going back home feeling exhausted, resulting in no you time. Most importantly, there is no motivation in your work, and no overall happiness.

The next question is whether you'd rather be a passionate worker or an ambitious worker?

A passionate worker would go out of their way to do more for their job because they enjoy what they are doing. Even though they might be working a 9 to 5 job, if they weren't done with their work and know that they could do more, they wouldn't mind staying an extra hour or three to do more than they should. The motivation behind a passionate worker is their own personal growth but fortunately enough, they are able to grow in their career too. It is different with an ambitious worker whose motivation is to only grow in their career in the absence of their personal growth. Not to say that both of them wouldn't have the same drive, but their end goals and motivations are definitely different (Chloe Anagnos).

If you want to be a passionate worker, here are 6 steps that you can take to move toward that direction:

  • Discover your passion
  • Ask yourself what you love to do before taking any further steps. This is because identifying what it is could help you in the next following steps. One way to do this is to understand the difference between hobby and passion. A hobby is something that you can do to pass time, but passion is something you can spend hours and hours doing because you love it so much. An example of a hobby is a sport. You probably wouldn't want to coach a swim team 5-6 times a day because it's not your passion. Therefore, just because you might like to do something does not necessarily mean that you should pursue a career out of it/seek a career in that field.
  • Determine the demand
  • Next, you should look at the level of demand. Figure out if the demand of the job is high or low. While you're at it, you should also see your competitors. These are two things that you should prepare yourself with because you don't want to apply for a job with a low demand or one where you'll be one amongst many applicants. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of competitors, but don't forget to be confident with your skills and always be prepared to answer the question "what do you have to contribute to our company?". As for jobs with a low demand, find the reason why it is that way and if it's still worth the try. 
  • Do your research
  • Do further research on the career path that you are interested in to see if you need to prepare yourself with anything, such as a certification or degree. You do not want to walk in a situation unprepared, so it's important to do research prior to making any decision. Another thing that you could do is ask people who are working in your chosen field for an idea of what you would be getting yourself into.  
  • Make a plan
  • After gaining more insight on the job, it is time to make a plan! This will be the physical evidence of you moving to a career path that you are passionate about. All that's left for you to do is actually following through with it. You could write the things that you need to do, like who you should contact regarding the job, whether the application is done online -- things of that sort. Another thing that you should also have is Plan B in case things don't work out. This goes back to always being prepared.
  • Become qualified
  • Want to have more qualities that you want to show off to future employers? Learn a thing or two in your free time that could help market yourself. You can either learn it online or offline, depending on what you need and the services that are available. Who knows, maybe that new acquired skill can impress your employers?
  • Stay motivated
  • The journey in finding your passion is hard, and turning that passion into your dream job is even harder. You have to be resilient because there are bound to be bumps on the road, which is why you are doing it. If it was easy then it isn't your passion. In moments like that, you have to be open to criticism and advice as they can help you improve in your career (Jacqueline Whitmore).

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