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Vooya Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Experiential Study Tour

Vooya is an Experiential Study Tour program, which provides you an opportunity, to dig deeper your passion and interest, while broadening your knowledge about the world and its customs, at the same time.



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"Dear Parents, Your Kids Don't Have To Be Doctors, It's 2018!"

23 Maret 2018   17:32 Diperbarui: 26 Maret 2018   08:45 374
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photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash


Dad: "Son, what are you gonna be when you grow up?"

Son: "I wanna be a doctor."

If this conversation takes place in 1996, perhaps it is still relevant. However, what if this sort of conversation happens today? It would probably sound like this,

Dad: "Son, what are you gonna be when you grow up?"

Son: "I think a YouTuber would be awesome, or perhaps a graphic designer, a digital marketer, or a start-up company CEO."

The era where our children live in now is completely different than ours. The advancement of communication technology in this digital age has led to an overwhelming spread of information. We do not have to go to the UK to find the information about Oxford University anymore. Just simply ask our children to google 'Oxford University' on their smartphones, all the information needed will instantly pop up.

As the rising of digital media in today's world, career trends have also experienced a massive change. If two decades ago parents consider being a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, and a government official as the most popular jobs in Indonesia, it could not be 100% acceptable in today's perspective. There are a lot of new work fields that bring a new variation of job opportunities. It does not mean the 'old fashion jobs' lose their popularity. They are still popular, but our children see what we don't see.

Over the years of experiential studies across countries, multiple fields, and direct practices -in Vooya we see how the current generation is evolving to be more flexible and open-minded to opportunities. They see working as their playing-field that they can explore, take a risk, and sometimes failed yet they are still empowered to go as the opportunities are unfolding in so many different ways. The kind of jobs from the complicated one like making artificial intelligence or managing a team of Ojek Drivers to the fun one like a fashionista, these are the environment that our children are exposed to now.  

So what are the new popular jobs that we can take into consideration for the future of our children in this millennial era?

1.    Digital Marketing Specialist

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