Mohon tunggu...
Nurhasanah Munir
Nurhasanah Munir Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Taruna

I'm a dreamer and wisdom seeker// Ailurophile// write to contemplate



Lyfe Pilihan

True Lovers

27 September 2015   16:34 Diperbarui: 27 September 2015   19:32 149
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There's no emptiness for the lovers

They, themselves will never be alone

Even though there's no one around them

The lovers, they're always living happily

They know what they're meant to be;

They're living for sharing and spreading

For them, love is changed to affection, attention,

care and appreciation

Those who know this great love, then

will become the most happiest human in the world

(Rawabelong, 27 September 2015)



Mohon tunggu...

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