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Aksiology and The Flow

16 Oktober 2019   19:37 Diperbarui: 16 Oktober 2019   19:38 4
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Aksiology and the flow

Aksiology originated from Greek language, that is aksio and logos. The meaning of aksio is value and the meaning of logos is theory. So, can conclusion that aksiology is science who learning theory about value. 

Aksiology also discusses about truth from something the rightness is real. If the rightness is real, then we learn it. Then discusses the truth value, is it good or bad, false or true. The discusses of aksiology there are two, that is:

a. Ethics, originated from Otos, the meaning of otos is character, is judging a character from individuals or groups

b. Aesthetics, is branch of philosophy who discusses about the problem of beauty and beuaty is the object of aesthetics

The flow

  1. Idealism, is an argument strengthened by reason so as to give birth to beliefs
  2. Pragmatism, is a form of aplication and action of what is prodused by idealism
  3. Intuisism, is feeling and thoungt that a person has about something without knowing why they feel it
  4. Hedonism, is view of live embodied in the form  of lifestyle wherev personal enjoyment or happiness become the main goal in living life

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