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How to Download an Existing AOL Account?

27 Desember 2019   16:31 Diperbarui: 27 Desember 2019   16:30 6
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The unique thing about AOL is that it allows you to access content, whether it is emails, bookmarks or contacts, from any web-enabled device. So even if you have a new computer, you will be able to access your existing AOL account by following some simple steps. However, when accessing your AOL account from a new device, you may receive a security warning meant to keep you in the loop regarding a new high in location. If you need help signing in to your existing AOL account from a new device, you can call the   AOL Contact Number   and speak to a trained email expert and ask for assistance. You can also go through this article to get a general idea on how you can download your existing AOL account on a new device so that you can access your email and other user data without any trouble.

Steps to download your existing AOL account

Since AOL is known for its user-friendly interface, setting up your existing AOL account on a new system is a piece of cake. You can refer to the steps given below and follow the instructions to access your AOL account on your new system:

  • Step 1:   Open your preferred internet browser and access the AOL webpage.
  • Step 2:   Look for the 'Download for Free' option on the AOL website.
  • Step 3:   Download the AOL setup file and double-click on it.
  • Step 4  : Refer to the installation wizard prompts to install AOL on your PC.
  • Step 5 : Run AOL on your desktop and enter your login details to sign in.
  • Step 6:  After you sign in your AOL data it should be accessible on the system.
  • Step 7:  If you cannot locate the data, use a USB drive to transfer the files.
  • Step 8 : Go to the settings section on your AOL account and click 'Manage.'
  • Step 9: Look for the options that reads 'Replace my favorite place with a favorite file' and navigate to the USB folder to open the file you transferred from your other computer.

If you have any trouble transferring your data, or if you have any doubts about the steps mentioned above, you can call the   AOL Support Number   and ask for assistance. Professional software experts are available 24 hours a day and will be able to answer any queries you may have about your AOL account. From simple login issues to technical errors connected to the server settings, AOL experts will be able to give you a step-by-step guide so that you can implement the best solution to resolve the error as soon as possible.

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