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The American Culture

18 Oktober 2018   00:18 Diperbarui: 18 Oktober 2018   00:17 222
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Cross-culture understanding plays a significant role in communicating with people from different countries. The notion refers to people basic ability in recognizing, interpreting and correctly reacting to people or situations that are open to misunderstanding due to cultural differences. 

When people learn a language, at the same time they should learn the culture of the country where the language is from. Language and culture are inseparable. In term of learning English, one of the cultural centers in its literature is the American culture.  

The United States of America is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Today, American culture has influenced the world. Nearly every region of the world has been influenced by it. American culture encompasses the customs and traditions of the American which a population of more than 325 million.  

Beside Native Americans who had been living on the continent, the population of the United States came from immigrants such as Europeans, Africans and Asians. In other word, the American culture has been shaped by those immigrant cultures.

The United States of America is sometimes described as a "melting pot" in which different cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavors" to American culture. Adjusting to American culture can be difficult and at times frustrating. There are three values at least that shape Americans' attitudes and behaviors: (1) American is made up of a diversity of ethnic groups and cultures that those things have contributed shape American values; (2) some individuals and groups have a set of respected values; (3) people's attitudes and behavior are based on their values.

Since some people knew the American culture merely from the electronic frames, then it is intangible for them to grab the real one culture without feel it. Therefore, studying the American culture while learning English, definitely will make easy for learners to understand the way of American thinking.

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