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Stacey Mazella
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Has The Government Handled The COVID-19 Pandemic Properly?

6 April 2020   11:35 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   11:32 48
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Our country's current situation is getting worse due to the increasing number of people that tested positive for COVID-19. This pandemic affects the whole world and that includes our beloved country. In order for Indonesia to end this pandemic, everyone needs to cooperate. This includes the government and citizens of Indonesia.

Up to now, 6th of April, the number of people that have tested positive for COVID-19 reaches 2273 people, yet only 1911 of them are being treated. The number of people that have tested negative is 7620. The number of people that had recovered from COVID-19 is 164 (7.2% of the number of people infected) but unfortunately, the number of deaths exceeds than the number of people that had recovered, which is 198 (8.7% of the number of people infected). All of this sums up to 32 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia that have been exposed to COVID-19.

This pandemic does not only affects the health industry but also our businesses and economy. It causes unemployment rate to increase, scarcity of some medical products, price increase,panic buying and more. If this continues, people might start a riot and cause chaos. To prevent that, the government are working to handle this  situation. But the government aren't the ones who's on the front line this time, the doctors and nurses are the ones that's putting their life at risk to help people that are infected.

Yes, we've all seen the news, how the president and the government are working to solve this pandemic by creating programs, sending a truck that sprays disinfectants on the streets to prevent people from going out of their house, social distancing, regional quarantine, sanctions, city lockdonws and even programs like work from home (WFH) and online learning and even closing some public places in order to avoid crowds.

But Is That Enough?

I don't think so, because there's a lot of people who think that the way our government is handling this issue is neglectful. You might ask, why would people say that?  Well, there's a lot of proof out there, for example there are hundreds of patients that does not receive proper treatment from hospitals because they ran out of space. Doctors and nurses do not receive enough equipments to protect themselves while treating those infected. People won't stop hoarding things when they go to supermarkets aka panic buying. All of this could've been prevented if the government does not neglect this issue.

What would I do if I became the president of Indonesia during this pandemic?

If I had the chance to do things differently, I would. I'd start with creating a quarantine space in a location that's isolated from most houses and crowds in order to rapidly slow down the spread of the virus. Then I'd want to have a transparant relationship with the press and the citizens in order for them to trust us, start by being honest about how good or bad the situation is, if it's getting better tell and if it's getting worse. Although by being transparant, there's a chance of the citizens panicking, but I think that it's much better if they know the truth rather than them starting a riot because we were not honest with them.

I would also like to do a rapid test that's free for everyone so that we can be sure who's infected and who's not. Lastly, I would like to make a law that prevents people from hoarding things like toilet papers, hand sanitizers, face masks, frozen foods in supermarkets so that when people who actually needs it, there will be enough for everybody. The ones who does not follow this law/rule would be punished.

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