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Ilmu Sosbud

Impact Of The Pandemic On traditional Market Revenues

10 Desember 2022   09:08 Diperbarui: 10 Desember 2022   09:19 69
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Siti Nur Azizah

Student Of Universitas Negeri Medan

Income is the income of money received and given to the subject of economics based on the achievements submitted as the income from individual professions or the private enterprise and the income from wealth. The amount of income a person may earn depends on the type of work he does.The trade is intended primarily for the traditional market as well as for the shopping or mall. "In an effort to encourage the economic sector not to deteriorate, it is time for the economic joints to kick back. However, as President jokowi pointed out, public safety and health remain a government priority," says trade minister agussuparmanto.

Based on the covid 19 observation, the 'cost-based' is' significantly affected 'on the income of people in the horas' market population. However, trade and purchase activities continue to run in the event of delays. "With plumbing, of course, income is reduced, but if it doesn't work, how will it move on," said one of the traders at the horasPematangsiantar market, mamsitimaymuna.

Horas market traders' income before and after covid 19 is viewed from the following table:

Personal doc.
Personal doc.
Personal doc.
Personal doc.

 A total of 46% reduction in revenue from traders in the marketplace of horas nettles daily. Handling efforts are urgently needed for small traders. During the pandemic they experienced a decrease in profits or even losses. This can be a reference for handling from various agencies

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