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Kamala Harris Inspires

22 Januari 2021   19:10 Diperbarui: 22 Januari 2021   19:13 67
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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

Even though I am not an American citizen, I am proud of the election of Joe Biden ~ Kamala Devi Harris as President and Vice President of the United States for the period 2021-2024.

 What is the focus of my attention here is the figure of Kamala Devi Harris as the elected vice president.  With a background as a lawyer and as a United States senator from the Democratic party.  Kamala was born in California October 20, 1964, the eldest of two children.  Mrs. Shyamala Gopalan a cancer researcher from India (India-America), father of Donald Harris economist from Jamaica (African-American).  Kamala's own life has been heavily influenced by her maternal grandfather P.V Gopalan, a retired Indian civil servant who has progressive views on democracy and women's rights.

 Apart from representing world women in a prestigious position (in American history as the first woman to hold the position of vice president), but also as African - Asian descent.  An extraordinary figure who combines beauty, assertiveness as well as the glue of the human race.  With the background of the prosecutor, his hope will become a strong foundation in carrying out the rule of leadership as an American leader which will automatically have an impact on multilateral bilateral cooperation.

 Kamala Harris as a woman who was able to conquer the sympathy of the American people, especially in the 7 November 2020 election by getting great attention and support from the American people, was able to defeat her opponent, President Donald Trump.

 The appearance of the name Kamala Harris in the world public space today has a positive impact on women warriors who have continued to strive to participate in controlling world life in their respective fields so far.

 As a woman who really likes the world / political environment, it certainly inspires me that the positive effect is very large in the sense that women's space is increasingly wide open.  This opportunity should be used by anyone who has sincerity and perseverance in striving to build life in their respective countries.

 Opportunities for advancement and development (even though nowadays women can do everything) can motivate efforts to anticipate / protect women in all aspects of life.  Able to overcome and respond to any problems that arise due to the dynamics of life that is constantly changing.  By creating a system / model / concept that becomes a policy that motivates women to form a quality family.

 For women in politics, the quality of the family is important even though it is not easy.  Family as a way to balance the perceptions of toughness and softness.  The struggle of women in general is quite tough because in addition to focusing on the responsibility of assisting child development, energy is needed to focus on what they want to achieve in addition to having to deal with men as work partners who may feel that their opportunities are reduced because of the presence of women without intending to be antipathy to the people.  Men.  As a woman with a physically weak nature, Kamala Harris's presence in the international public sphere is a new source of energy.

 Hopefully, during the leadership of Kamala Harris, American foreign policies will accommodate progress for the struggles of women in the world.  Especially in African, Asian and Southeast Asian countries, there are many female fighters who have to appear globally but are often hindered by the culture in their respective countries.  Hopefully the appearance of Kamala Harris strengthens the spirit and spreads more widely to women in the world to be able to take an important role at a strategic level.

 The start of a good moment in this new chapter by the leadership of the President of America under the control of Biden and Harris, hopefully it can provide brighter and fresher colors to the life of the world.  Indonesia in particular is very optimistic about being able to forge stronger and more profitable cooperative relations with the United States.

 Congratulations, congratulations to Joe Biden ~ Kamala Harris, who today (Wednesday, January 20, 2021) was inaugurated as President and Vice President of America, has earned the great trust of the American people.  The great hope of life in the world is to become more well-ordered / controlled, full of peace and full of friendship with countries in the world to create better quality human life.

 Jakarta, 20.01.2021
 Dr.  SusiLawati MA., M.Han

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