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Mahasiswi IAIN Jember Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris TA 2019 -




Modern Philosophy

4 Desember 2019   08:00 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2019   07:58 2
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock


Reneissance is a century of separation between the middle ages and the modern age According to Marias, this characteristic of the Renaissance philosophy lacked intellectual rigor and discipline. When compared with the best moments in Scholasticism, the inferiority is evident. His ideas from Platonism - which are basically Neoplatonic - and Aristotle did not have a strong philosophical and historical position. They have not yet fully thought of the ontological situation that the Middle Ages had built: a world inhabited by rational humans and alienated from God. They also have not seriously questioned his new intellectual position. This question, which is a continuation of the seemingly disconnected metaphysical tradition, began in the first decade of the 17th century, in Descartes's work. In Cartesianism, modern times are thought metaphysically through their presuppositions.


Nearly all thinkers who emerged at this time were mathematicians such as Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. They tried to construct a philosophical system using mathematics (certainty logic). The flow of rationalism was pioneered by Rene Descartes (1596-1650 AD).

Descartes in determining the truth. Descartes accepts 3 innate realities or substances, which have existed since we were born, namely (1) reality of mind (res cogitan), (2) reality of expansion (res extensa, "extention") or matter, and (3) God (as Being) which is entirely perfect, the perfect cause of both realities). The mind really is consciousness, does not take up space and cannot be divided into smaller parts. Material is vast, takes place and can be shared, and has no consciousness. Both substances come from God, because only God is there without depending on anything. Descartes was a dualist, applying a strict division between the reality of the mind and the expanded reality. Descartes was a pioneer of rationalists, those who believed that the basis of all knowledge was in the mind.


In Latin "experiential" (experience). The epistemological-empirical hobbes teaches that knowledge is obtained because experience and experience are the beginning of all knowledge. All types of knowledge are derived from experience and only experience can guarantee a certainty. Meanwhile according to John Locke all kinds of knowledge are born from experience. He accepted doubts as Descartes taught but he rejected Descartes's methods of intuition and deductive methods. This erased Plato's philosophical impression of ideas. Another figure David hume is a consistent empirical. Looks like Locke thinks. "That the whole content of the mind comes from experience". He differed in terminology from his predecessor, he distinguished in two perceptions. Namely the impression and idea.                                                                                      


Reneissance is a century of separation between the middle ages and the modern age According to Marias, this characteristic of the Renaissance philosophy lacked intellectual rigor and discipline. When compared with the best moments in Scholasticism, the inferiority is evident. His ideas from Platonism - which are basically Neoplatonic - and Aristotle did not have a strong philosophical and historical position. They have not yet fully thought of the ontological situation that the Middle Ages had built: a world inhabited by rational humans and alienated from God. They also have not seriously questioned his new intellectual position. This question, which is a continuation of the seemingly disconnected metaphysical tradition, began in the first decade of the 17th century, in Descartes's work. In Cartesianism, modern times are thought metaphysically through their presuppositions.


Nearly all thinkers who emerged at this time were mathematicians such as Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. They tried to construct a philosophical system using mathematics (certainty logic). The flow of rationalism was pioneered by Rene Descartes (1596-1650 AD). Descartes in determining the truth. Descartes accepts 3 innate realities or substances, which have existed since we were born, namely (1) reality of mind (res cogitan), (2) reality of expansion (res extensa, "extention") or matter, and (3) God (as Being) which is entirely perfect, the perfect cause of both realities). The mind really is consciousness, does not take up space and cannot be divided into smaller parts. Material is vast, takes place and can be shared, and has no consciousness. Both substances come from God, because only God is there without depending on anything. Descartes was a dualist, applying a strict division between the reality of the mind and the expanded reality. Descartes was a pioneer of rationalists, those who believed that the basis of all knowledge was in the mind.

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