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Ilmu Sosbud

COVID-19 Cases are Increasing - The Omicron Variant is Spreading Rapidly

18 Januari 2022   15:10 Diperbarui: 18 Januari 2022   15:20 118
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On Monday, January 17, 2022 according to JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data statistics, there were an additional 772 new cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Starting from January 4 to January 17, 2022, the total cases of Covid-19 have reached 8,988 cases. The impact of the increasing return of Corona in Indonesia, making the government re-implement the Implementation of Pemberlakukan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) in various regions.

The increase in corona cases in Indonesia, in line with the increase in the latest variant of Omicron which is currently in the attention of the government and the public. Reporting from the statement of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said "Omicron dari berbagai negara meningkat tajam, rata-rata yang terkena adalah yang punya komorbit serta belum di vaksin dan itupun rata-rata jika dirawat di Rumah Sakit 4 hari sembuh. Peningkatan kasus se- Jawa Bali meningkat tajam di dominasi varian Omicron" 

Data states that the Omicron variant's Covid-19 variant increased very rapidly due to overseas travel activities that took place during the Christmas and New Year holidays. For the Omicron Variant itself is said to be faster contagious, but lighter than the Delta Variant. The Omicron variant, also known as the B.1.1.529 lineage, is a variant of SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes Covid-19. WHO's head of clinical management, Janet Diaz, said her team's initial study showed there was a reduced risk of hospitalization of Omicron variant Covid-19 patients when compared to Delta variant patients.

However, even so, the public should not reduce awareness of the impact of this Omicron Variant, because basically many countries detect variants that fall into the category of 'Variant of Concern' where this category can be interpreted as a variant of the Corona virus that is suspected to be able to cause increased transmission and kemarian and can even affect the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In this regard, the government asks the public to remain vigilant and maintain health to prevent continued transmission related to the Omicron variant. Head of Pokja Infection Center Manager Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia (PDPI) dr Erlina Burhan, explain some ways to prevent exposure to the Omicron variant.

"Langkah kita bagaimana menghadapi Omicron ini, dari WHO mengatakan pencegahan yang terbaik adalah pakai masker, menjaga jarak, dan kalau di ruang tertutup perhatikan ventilasi ruangan, hindari kerumunan, dan lakukan pelacakan kontak yang lebih ketat," Dr. Erlina said a while ago.

So it can be concluded, although the Omicron Variant is lighter than the Delta Variant, the public and the government still have to give vigilance for the distribution of the Omicron Variant. The impact of transmission of this virus is very fast and even able to make some areas re-embezzle PPKM that had previously been eliminated.

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