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How to Fight Coronavirus in Your Own House

6 April 2020   18:27 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   18:25 91
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

First of all what is Corona Virus(COVID-19) is a disease caused by a new virus. This virus was found out first in Wuhan China. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. As you all know this virus have attack many countries (208 countries) from those countries the top 3 countries who are infected by this Virus is USA with 337,309 people , Italy with 135,032 and Spain with 128,948 people. 

In worldwide there are about 1,284,740 people who are infected by this virus. Luckily the total deaths and the total recovered more people have been recovered by this virus. 70,320 people died because of this virus and 271,731 people had been recovered from this virus. 

Corona Virus in Indonesia, Starting from 2 people in Depok and now 2,491 people was infected and Indonesia had lost about 209 people and only recovered 192 people. The amount of people who are infected by this virus have increased rapidly because of Indonesian people are hardheaded and can not listen to the Law. Talking about the Law Indonesia itself made the law in which if you break the Law u must pay 100 million rupiah and in prison for 1 year.

Many countries  do this method to lessen the infection by isolating themselves in their own houses. Why isolating your self is the best way to lessen the infection? Is because by not going outside unless you have a forced condition on getting outside, there will be less people roaming around the city and the chance on getting the virus will be lessen. The awareness of Indonesian people against this virus is so far the worst. Even though police have been reminding everyone to stay at home and do not hang out until the time given but still many teenager forced themselves to hang out in this kind of situation.

The program that I recommend is to lock down Jakarta. In Indonesia Jakarta(capital city) is the center of this pandemic in Indonesia. What is Lock Down a lock down is an emergency protocol that usually prevents people or information from leaving an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority. This program will affect a lot of economy dropping because of locking down their city. The simple way to understand lock down is where u can not go outside nor inside of a city because it might infect people outside of the city.

Aside the Lock Down program there is this simple one by Social distancing, washing our hands ,wearing mask when you need to go out and not to touch our face. First  what is social distancing? social distancing is giving a certain distance between one human being to another human being. It is recommended to give a distance 1 meter apart from each other. Then we wash our hands after we go outside our house to keep our house clean because this Virus can die if we wash our hands. Then wearing mask is to prevent ourselves touching their face and not to cough in public. The last is by not touching our face after we go outside. Why? because the virus can easily enter your body by eyes, nose and mouth.

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