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Ruby Astari
Ruby Astari Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"DARI RUANG BENAK NAN RIUH": Untuk menjelaskan perihal penulis yang satu ini, cukup membaca semua tulisannya di sini (dan mungkin juga di tempat lain). Banyak dan beragam, yang pastinya menjelaskan satu hal: Ruang benaknya begitu riuh oleh banyak pemikiran dan perasaan. Ada kalanya mereka tumpang-tindih dan bukan karena dia labil dan irasional. Seringkali daya pikirnya melaju lebih cepat dari tangannya yang menciptakan banyak tulisan. Penulis juga sudah lama menjadi ‘blogger yang kecanduan’. Samai-sampai jejak digital-nya ada di banyak tempat. Selain itu, penulis yang juga pengajar bahasa Inggris paruh-waktu, penerjemah lepas, dan penulis lepas untuk konten situs dapat dipesan jasanya secara khusus di Kontenesia ( Bisa sekalian beramal lagi untuk setiap transaksi (terutama selama bulan Ramadan ini) : R.




"Bye, Bye, Love (When It's Over)"

13 Maret 2018   09:59 Diperbarui: 13 Maret 2018   10:12 302
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

"I never want to hurt that person, but my heart can no longer lie."

"She had to choose between me and the other person her parents approve. I know she still loves me, but she loves her parents too."

"I finally ended it with him. You're right, I deserve better."

I hate most breakup stories. I even hate writing about them (so what am I doing now? Why?) There is always something sad and heartbreaking about them.

Still, just like all walks of life, some stories have to end. There are reasons we don't always understand. Sometimes we have no choice but to accept the truth, no matter how much it hurts. I remember telling two of my friends this a long time ago:

"Sometimes it doesn't matter who's right or wrong. He could be the jerk or I could be the bitch. It always hurts, although perhaps not in the same amount for each."

When one love dies because one heart goes to another instead of staying with the previous one, it's always easy to judge. It's either "Oh, how disloyal!"or "How weak. They should've fought their hardest to keep the other one stay."Most of the time, the third party is also to blame. They are the 'home-wreckers',stealing another love's away.

The truth is, we never know. Sometimes, being good also means being prepared to get hurt. Some people choose to stay in a relationship, perhaps not always out of love -- but more of pure goodwill and honour. Others choose to leave in the name of brutal honesty, the harsh truth. Why stay when they are no longer happy?

Accepting the pain of abandonment is never easy. Not everybody's big-hearted enough to let go, accepting that it's over and moving on. Their love for the one who's chosen to leave them behind may still be there, perhaps always.

What's the point of trying your best to keep them, when they no longer wish to stay?

Other times, love has to say goodbye and part ways against their will. Some external factors (family, society, you name it) are sometimes much stronger that they refuse to let it grow. In the name of peace, love has to stop staying together.

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