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Plastic Waste Phenomenon

28 Oktober 2021   12:20 Diperbarui: 28 Oktober 2021   12:22 197
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Currently, the problem of waste is being discussed throughout the country. As we can see, we find a lot of garbage especially plastic waste scattered in various places that are not supposed to such as in rivers, seas, roadsides, tourist attractions, gardens, and so on.

It is no secret that the use of plastic can cause harm to the environment and health. The amount of plastic waste that exists causes many problems such as unsightly views, soil and water pollution, unpleasant odors (air pollution), damage to animal ecosystems, and so on which can later involve or have an impact on our health.

Plastic that is not used will become plastic waste, and the amount is not small, they continue to grow and increase so that it will accumulate out there. In contrast to other waste that can be easily decomposed by microorganisms in the soil, plastic waste has a long carbon chain that takes hundreds, even thousands of years to decompose naturally. Plastic production that continues to run, usage continues to increase, and solutions that have not yet been found make the problem of plastic waste still a global problem to this day, and if it is allowed to continue, we must be prepared to face the problems that occur as a result of this.

So the conclusion is that plastic waste can harm the environment and the earth, a lot of the environment is polluted if it continues, therefore to protect our earth, it is very necessary to take precautions to reduce the risks that occur, such as bring our own shopping bag from home (not single use) , using or carrying personal containers when buying something (food and drink), 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle), and other things that can affect the reduction of plastic use. Because we still haven't found a solution to describe it with its not easy nature, at least we can help minimize its use, and the risks with the actions mentioned above.

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