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Always Grateful

24 Januari 2019   15:16 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2019   15:19 35
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Humor. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Gratisography

I feel amazing today, Probably today i sent my second essay competition. I participant unimed essay competition 2019. And lucky me there is nothing problem happen. Well starting from. I got information from a status on whatsapp. She is my friend.  I wish i could beat unimed student be a champion.Thank you for my mother gave money then i can signing up competition.

Without my mother i think i can not participant or join that event. I remember my first time essay i made was terrible and bad ever i did it. get move i am never give up appreciate that i wrote in past. I must continue untill achieve everything i want .eventhough making mistaken as one thing always i do. I will not give up and actually it is talking about passion and consistent. Everyone want to be.

 I consistent told my self that everything you want will you get it. no matter long it would be. You just believe your be honest, since i have been studying  college i am spending time by reading books or hanging out with my friends. It is kind of strange thing i did it. because when i was student high school too lazy spending my time with everybody. Perhaps i never learn so i can not be open minded person. before no one trust me i could be nice person. i am a freak and lame.

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