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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Pertanian Kedelai

6 Desember 2021   00:01 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2021   00:42 43
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Soybeans, or soybeans, are a type of legume that is the basis of many foods from East Asia such as milk, soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh. Based on archaeological remains, this plant has been cultivated since 3500 years ago in East Asia.

Soybeans have a protein content of 35% higher than rice which is only 7%, besides that soybeans also contain amino acids, such as methionine, trypsin and lysine which are high enough so that they can be relied on to meet nutritional and food needs.

Soybean is an annual plant, in the form of a low shrub and grows upright. Plant height between up to 30cm - 100cm. The trunk is segmented with 3-6 branches. Soybeans have roots. Soybean root system consists of two kinds, namely taproot and secondary root (Fiber) that grows from the taproot, oval-shaped soybean leaf, the first leaf that comes out of the top book of the ketyledon is a single leaf that is opposite. (Facrhuddin 2000)

The hypocotyl of the germination process is part of the stem, starting from the root base to the ketiledon. The hypocotyl and the two ketyledons that are still attached to the hyokotil will break through to the soil surface, the part of the stem that is above the ketiledon is called epicotyl. (Wawan 2006).

In addition to counteracting free radicals, the isoflavones in these nuts can actually help the intestines work so that your digestive system becomes smoother. Regularly eating soy can also help reduce your risk of constipation, colon cancer, hernias, and hemorrhoids

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