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Ratna Wijayanti
Ratna Wijayanti Mohon Tunggu... -

Just a little girl who like karate :)




My Essay Writing :)

27 Juni 2012   15:58 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   03:28 42
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The benefit of following karate

In the world have many sport. There are tennis, badminton, football, basket, swimming, karate and so on. But the popular sport in indonesian is karate. Karate is a sport from japanese which is using the power of hand and foot. Karate used Gichin Funakoshi who is introduce this martial sport in 1608. He said that word “kara-“ in Karate means honesty and humble. Althoughin the karate has a characters of hero, but honesty n humble is important when we following this sport. Self difence when we are deal with the dangerous situation and increase our confidence are the benefit of following karate.

The important benefit when we are following karate is self difence when we are deal with the dangerous situation. It means that when we are deal with dangerous situation for example when we walking in the quite street and the thief want to steal our handphone / money, so we can prevent the incident and we can’t injured because of the thief.

Another benefit when we are following karate is we can increase our confidence. It means that karate can increase our fonfidence when we are stand in some important situation. Because in karate we will be taught about how become a people who have a height confidence.

So, Self difence when we are deal with the dangerous situation and increase our confidence are the benefit offollowing karate.

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