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My Opinion About Prisoner Release in Indonesia

12 Mei 2020   13:02 Diperbarui: 12 Mei 2020   13:01 47
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Prisoner release in Indonesia is currently being debated. This policy was approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights. A lot of people feel burdened by this policy. The government argued that this release was the right step to take to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in the prison area. 

The government also feels that if they only release prisoners of good behavior. However, prisoner release should not be done because it will potentially strengthen criminal networks, more and more crimes occur in the community, make people feel unprotected by the government and the environment becomes chaotic.

Prisoners release will be strengthen the criminal networks in Indonesia. This decision, potentially strengthen criminal networks in our country, because the prisoners may think that with their released from Prison they have the opportunity to commit crimes again because, according to sociologists, prisoners of released criminal cases actually get lessons from prison. 

They can learn to commit crime from other inmates. With this policy those who are released from prison can use their network of imprisonment to commit criminal acts. 

This policy aims to break the chain of co-ordination of Covid-19 because, at this time the prison is already very crowded by inmates and is worried that it will expand the Covid-19. see the number of prisons that are not worth it right now. However, this should not be used as an excuse to release prisoners. considering that there are still many other efforts that can be done such as, moving prisoners to another prison.

This policy will trigger more and more crimes occur in the community. Such as robbery and thuggery in our environment. Currently there is  a lot of news about the robbery that occurred in the community because, the number of unemployed people in this country is increasing.  

It was caused by large layoffs by companies and the release of the prisoners even though, their needs are getting more expensive at that time. It makes criminal cases increase. That is understandable because today there are so many people who lack basic food. The number of layoffs that occur makes it more difficult for people to buy food and ultimately think of theft. But this is definitely not allowed, because the government actually has also sought assistance for basic food for them.

The environment becomes chaotic and unstable. The decisions make people feel unprotected by the government and the environment becomes chaotic because, people feel that the government only thinks of themselves without considering the people's aspirations. They also felt that this policy made it difficult for them in the future, because they were overshadowed by the fear of criminal acts occurring in their home environment. It makes the community environment not conducive and chaotic. This policy also makes the public increasingly afraid of the many burglaries that occur if prisoners are released. And increasingly make people distrust the government. The government made this policy because they thought that this effort was the best effort to break the chain of distribution of Covid-19. I agree with the intent of this policy but this is considered an opportunity by criminals to commit their crimes. criminals may use this policy as an excuse to commit a crime in their environment. So, it would be better if this policy was not carried out from the beginning.

            Indonesia's policy of releasing 30,000 prisoners from prison has now become a conversation not only within the country but also abroad. this certainly tarnished Indonesia's image in the eyes of the world, because the government easily released prisoners without thinking about the impact of the policy. perhaps this policy was carried out with a good purpose of cutting the distribution of Covid-19 so that it would not become more widespread. but this makes people feel insecure and suspicious of each other. Of course, this will trigger new problems later. Why doesn't the government implement social distancing in a prison environment? I think this policy should be reviewed repeatedly before it is applied in Indonesia.

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