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Nur Seta Bramadi
Nur Seta Bramadi Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Penulis Buku, Wiraswasta, Suka Musik Rock / Film Action / Game PC / Filateli / Meditasi, dan Hidup Simple.

Penulis buku: Filateli Sebagai Hobi dan Investasi (Balai Pustaka, 2001), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2011), Kursus Singkat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2013), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (BIP, 2016), dan Percakapan Inggris-Indonesia Bidang Keperawatan dan Rumah Sakit (BIP, 2021). Lahir dan tinggal di Jakarta. Facebook: Nurseta Bramadi.




English Conversation: Love and Hate Are Parts Of Human's Feelings

30 Juli 2022   17:22 Diperbarui: 30 Juli 2022   17:27 193
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Love. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Prostooleh

A: Is it OK to feel hate sometimes?

B: It depends on the hate. What do you hate?

A: Hmm... you know, life is very hard for some people. They might feel that life is not fair... than, they hate it.

B: Well, It's a kind of personal hate, I guess. 

A: Do you sometimes feel the same way?

B: Hmm... yeah, but then I try to think positively.

A: What do you mean?

B: Love and hate are parts of human's feelings, just like sad, happy, satisfied, dissappointed, angry, excited... etc.

A: So, there's nothing wrong to feel hate sometimes?

B: No... as long as we find the solution in positive way.

A: You know, I feel sad that it seems life's getting harder from time to time.

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