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Noviana TheteriantiIre
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Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi 2017



Ruang Kelas

Advertisements for Sweetened Condensed Milk "Frisian Flag Pilihan Nusantara"

11 Desember 2020   10:50 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2020   10:56 215
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The advertisement for sweetened condensed milk from the Indonesian edition of Frisian Flag is what I think is a good advertisement.  The concept is made to attract attention especially at 15-30 years old.  The concept of millennial which is made with the existence of a song is also an interesting thing so that with the song, people are interested.  The song used is also a song with easy lyrics.  This ad is also known from the past until today with the tagline "Hingga Tetes Terakhir".

 There are 3 choices, namely the taste of Coconut Delight, Ketan Hitam and Green Beans which describe the archipelago in the milk variant produced by PT.  Frisian Flag.  PT.  Frisian Flag is one of the largest dairy companies in Indonesia that produces nutritious milk, one of which is the Frisian Flag for children and families for nearly 100 years since 1922. The company is one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world.

This ad is consistent in every advertisement made with a distinctive jingle from the Frisian Flag, a jingle that is easy to remember by many people and millennials.  The advertising concept is always made attractive to its customers.  The concept created is also in accordance with the intended market segmentation, if the segmentation is for the family, then in the video there is also a family in it.  The creativity contained in the advertisement makes the advertisement also attractive.

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