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Handling American Indonesia's Hands to Peace

21 Februari 2020   07:39 Diperbarui: 21 Februari 2020   07:52 31
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Human Rights (HAM) is a law concerning the defense of human rights, in every country the human rights are contained in the constitution of its countries. In the United Nations law mentioned in article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion". 

In the first Amendment of the United States "Congress will not make laws relating to the establishment of religion, or which prohibit the exercise of religious freedom ...". Whereas on the basis of our country it is also stated in the Second Principles of Pancasila "Fair and Civilized Humanity". These rights also relate to religious rights for its citizens.

But it is unfortunate in spite of the fact that most of the world's people believe in God, around 80% of the world's population currently lives in an atmosphere of religious restraint. Many of them experienced physical and psychological abuses

Many Muslims in the Nationas Union gave a response when they had to try to be religious at UNI Nation. "Just like Christians or Jews. Churches / mosques are destroyed or converted to some storage or closed. If you are a devout Muslim (because Muslims must pray 5 times a day and Muslim women must cover their heads with headscarves. 

It's easy to find Muslims obedient) will be reported [to the government] / deported to Siberia or distant districts Christians have the same problem but Muslims are seen as outsiders ([although] Muslims live in Russia for centuries centuries) so many Muslims must declare that they deny their religion and culture to convince others that they really have nothing to do with Islam.

I have talked to people aged 60 years who were born and lived most of their lives in the Union The Soviets, some were expelled to distant districts. " Ayhan Bilgli said.

The role of Indonesia in realizing World peace has been carried out since the Sukarno era in an effort to free religious freedom in the Soviet Union. An example is the Saint Petersburg Mosque at Soekarno's request in 1956 after ten days of his visit there, the mosque was returned to the Muslim religious community of St. Petersburg. The second is the Imam Bukhari memorial complex.

In America, freedom of religion has been regulated in its own constitution, namely that the separation of religious affairs and state affairs is separated as guarantors of freedom to practice religion without fear of persecution. Another guarantee is stated in the first Amendment to the US Constitution.

The majority of religions practiced in America are Christians with a percentage of 70.6% of the US population, while Islam is the third largest religion with a percentage of 0.9%. Most U.S. adults (58%) come from other parts of the world, in total respondents in the 2017 Pew research center survey mentioned 75 countries of origin. And this is reflected in the racial and ethical diversity of the United States Muslim community.

The Pew research center projects that by 2040, Muslims will become the second largest group after Christians in the United States.

Muslim Community in the Largest Cities

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