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How Good Writing Affects Students Future Career

2 April 2020   10:29 Diperbarui: 19 Mei 2020   10:16 16
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               Three years ago, when I was in high school, I had a friend with good writing skills. He was famous in among teachers because of it. He had done so many writing competitions in the past. It was help him to reach every high score in the class. One day, I asked to him, "Hey, why do you improve your writing skills instead of other skills?". "I just like to write, it represents my emotions, ideas, and hard work into my writing; therefore, I try to improve it as good as possible." said him. We can learn from him that there are so many benefits we can get from learning to write.  I think not everybody can understand how crucial the writing skills is. It can be good for future career of students such as improve their memorizing, increase communication skills and guide them to easily get job.

                First, a good writing makes student can easily remember what they write before. Most people believe that one of the ways to increase memory is writing. Study prove that it effectively affects than people who type in laptop. The movements from the hand while write help brain to remember it. This benefit can be helpful for student in the future. For example, when students face a final test. They who had taken notes before the test remembered more material taught, while those who did not take notes remembered less. As a result, it gives them a high score.

                Good writing increase communication skill. In fact, when students are writing, they are not only just thinking about what they are going to write. But how to make the readers understand what they write. By understand it, their communication skills will drastically increase. Students will try to choose understandable word. They realize that the readers think simple, so they write the points instead of make an irrelevant addition sentence. By have good writing, students also can create a good presentation, public speaking, or make a speech better. Nobody knows that they can become president or crucial person in the future.

                Become the successful and famous writer requires a good writing too. Being writer means that students are expert on writing. When they start to get famous, they will be invited as a spokesman in some relevant seminars. They also can share the knowledge and experience they get from writing for their followers. Because writing can make they famous, then a chance to get a good career is big. It has been proven by public figures whose begin with simple activity: writing such as Raditya Dika (actor and director), Pandji Pragiwaksono (comedian), and Yusuf Mansyur (preacher).

                In conclusion, it is a great idea for students have a good writing skill and recognize them the good impact of having good writing. By applying it, student can get strong memory, great word processing when speaking, and become an important person in the future. If they start to learn about good writing from now, they are one step ahead to achieve success.

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