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Gold Investment in Sharia for Future Savings

2 Juli 2018   18:53 Diperbarui: 2 Juli 2018   19:03 444
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp


Gold is traditionally considered save investment, especially during a time of recession with high risks such as inflation, exchange rates depretiating and bank collapsing. Unlike any paper currency, gold has an intrinsic value and a stable purchasing power to goods and services. However, this cannot completely explain the movement of the price of gold. 

The link between financial crisis and the raise in gold's price is not consistent. The price of gold is volatile (Wang, Luija. 2012). In the long-term investment in gold is considered more profitable than investing in stocks of gold mining company (Gunawan and Wirawati. 2013). Here are a few reasons of people interested in gold investment.

 Gold investment does not require a lot of budget. We don't need to have millions of dollars to buy and invest in gold. We can buy it in accordance with our affordability. The price of pure gold ranges from 600 thousand rupiah and above per gram. We can easily change the money we want to gold for future savings. With such low price we can make gold investment with lots of profit, but little capital expenditure.

 Having gold as an investment is the right choice if you want a tax-free investment. In contrast to owning shares in a particular company, the benefits are not immediately enjoyed by the shareholders of the company, because getting the return is sometimes also followed by the tax or sometimes the form of profit is not in the form of cash but additional shares of the company. Having gold as an investment item is the right choice if you want a tax-free investment.

Gold is liquid investment. The point is that gold is valuable object which is easy to sell. Other forms and types of investment have a tendency to be more difficult to disburse or can only be claimed at any given moment. Gold investment provides flexibility for investment holders to be able to cash into the form of cash in a relatively easy and relatively short time and more flexible than other types of investment. As it can be cashed any time, everyone loves this kind of investment.

The conclusion, gold investment has a great advantage and small risks than any other investment. It is also very easy to do than any other investment, because it is a liquid investment and does not require a lot of budget. Thus, saving gold can help our economy in the future.


Wang, Luija. 2012. Investment in Gold, an Empirical Study of The Gold Return From 90s to 21st

Gunawan, Indra, A. And Wirawati, Putu. 2013. Perbandingan Berinvestasi Antara Logam Mulia Emas dengan Saham Perusahaan Pertambangan Emas. Jurnal Akuntansi. Universitas Udayana. Bali

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