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If I Were President of Indonesia, What Would I do to Fight Covid-19

6 April 2020   11:38 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   12:34 127
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao


I guarantee everyone in this world has heard of the virus pandemic called the corona virus or COVID-19. The whole world is going through this pandemic virus together, but every country has their own approach to fight the novel corona virus. The Indonesian government are also doing their best to fight the corona virus. The strategies that the Indonesia's government has taken to fight COVID-19 are, such as large-scale social restrictions, regional quarantine, civil emergency, sanctions, and incentives. But what would I do if I were the president of Indonesia.


First of all, I would like to disclose that this article was made for a school assignment and all that is written is based on my point of view and it doesn't have any specific reason to criticise the government or the Indonesian citizens in any way possible.

If I Were President

Now when you first take the perspective as a president. There surely will be a lot of pressure due to a lot of losses during this situation. One incorrect move can have a very huge impact on the whole process. As a president, who holds the highest position in the country will be the one to bear all the responsibilities in handling this case.

Because Indonesia is a democratic country which means the citizens are priority before anything else. So if the president tries to make a move, what comes first to take into consideration are their citizens. The president must make sure that the citizens are safe and satisfied with the governments decision. That way, the chances of a riot happening is decreased a lot and the government can focus in only battling this pandemic situation.

The public's opinion is also something that can be taken into consideration, but the first reference to take into consideration is from the WHO (World Heath Organisation). Next to consider is, let's admit it, Indonesia's health facility is not as developed as other countries, not to mention the lack of health masks and gloves for health department workers. There are still a lot more to take into consideration such as the countries economy, relationship with other countries, etc. From all of this, we can see that being a president isn't an easy job at all because everything is at stake.

After taking everything into consideration, I think the best solution for the government is, first, large-scale restriction. This was already done by the government by closing all tourist sites, such as museums, etc. The second thing to do, which is also already done by the government is regional quarantine. Regional quarantine and lockdown is different. The government has great problem solving skills. The government knows if Indonesia went into a lockdown situation, the public wouldn't be very happy about it, so the government doesn't do this out of the blue, but instead, they start from small regions, e.g. They start from RW 16, then RW 10, then the whole "RW" in Pegadungan will be in quarantine. Then they do the same to different districts and it will slowly turn into a lockdown, but not all of a sudden, which won't shock the public. And last is by not letting in any tourist from different countries


There are still lot more things that the government can do such as making a regulation that requires all supermarket, malls to provide hand sanitizers, but hand sanitizers and surgical masks are very hard to find. Even though we cannot make any regulations as a citizen, but we can at least do out best to cooperate to the regulations that the government has made so it can work out as they have planned with no problems. And last, wash your hands and drink lots of water. Just stay at home and stay healthy.

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