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Wash Your Hands With Good Soap During a Pandemic

13 Januari 2021   10:10 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2021   10:17 41
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Wash your hands with good soap during a pandemic

Washing hands with soap is one way to prevent the spread of the virus during a pandemic. Good behavior can be accustomed to if done regularly. In the beginning it is difficult, it will be easy, of course.

Children usually play, it can be media that are easy to find inside or outside the home. After playing, you should get used to washing your hands with soap (ctps). Other activities, for example, can do this positive habit.

Parents or the closest family members of the child can guide them in getting used to washing hands with soap as part of their hygiene behavior, especially during a pandemic.

Clean and Healthy Life

The Family Hope Program in one of its modules contains a discussion of health and nutrition in which there are sessions discussing pain in children, some of which are topics regarding proper and proper hand washing according to the Ministry of Health guidelines, and environmental health such as disposing of garbage properly, healthy latrines.

A clean and healthy lifestyle is a guide for everyone, family and society to work together to make it happen in order to achieve the common hope of being healthy.

Family capacity building meetings for the Family Hope Program provide beneficiary families with useful materials as a provision for knowledge and practice of positive change in beneficiary families.

Living clean and healthy can be done and used from an early age in the family. Start something from nearby and remind each other or even mutual agreement.

Wash your hands with soap you can!

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