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You are Ugly, Your Opinion is Invalid

28 Februari 2020   15:14 Diperbarui: 28 Februari 2020   15:12 83
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

When you read the title you might think that is so harsh, so harsh that can't be spoken in real life. But we women or men really face it almost the time. Who are we in this term? We are the unattractive one.

Around the year 2000 there was a soap opera called "Ugly Betty" or in Indonesia famous with the title "Betty la Fea". That was a TV series about an ugly girl named Betty who work as a secretary. She was really a good employee. She did her job excellently, but her boss rarely gave her an appreciation. Until someday, Betty had beauty job done and she turned into a beautiful girl and so does her life. Everyone noticed her, gave appreciation to her job, listen to her idea even willingly to help her.

I, personally, have been experienced this ugly situation since university and getting worst when I entered social and work environment. Once my lecturer roll out a discussion, he asked us to work in a group, exposing an issue about environment. During the discussion, I proposed an idea in how we can reduce plastic straw by drinking it straight on the glass. And as a result, he gave me the 'I can't believe what are you saying' look and didn't response.  Then he asked my lovely and extremely charming friend ( let's called her Mawar ) same problem and bluntly Mawar said has no idea but she said again my idea. And the lecturer said "Mawar you have revolutionary idea!". If you think it was normal, NO, it hits me hard.

Next case, my male friend got good idea for marketing a new product. And he voluntary gave his idea to my other colleague . When I asked him what was he doing, he replied dryly, his idea will be granted by the company if the other colleague convey it because he is more attractive. Isn't it sad?

But its real.

There is a scene from Princess Diaries movie (2001) that so memorable. When Mia Thermopolis has turned into a beautiful princess, she wanted to quit the school TV show because she taught that she wasn't smart enough but her friend Lily begged her to stay. Lily still need Mia with a painful reason. I need you to speak up my idea, because I have a great idea but when I speak nobody listen.

When someone said if you were good looking, 60 % of your problem has been solved. I sound profuse and exagerating but it's true. If you said to your self "No, I always listen what people said regardless their appearance" then you are surely kind. But sadly that kind of people are rare and harder to find nowadays.

So what I and my less attractive have to do to be heard by society? One radical thing to do is to change our appearance. Ironically its work. If you think its unfair thats OK because beauty privilege indeed exist.

You may say my idea is shallow or irrational. You could disagree with my opinion but i really hope you wont say my opinion is invalid right after you saw my profile because yes I am unattractive.

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