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"Recreate AgroIndustry"

22 Januari 2018   10:31 Diperbarui: 22 Januari 2018   10:59 998
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Creating good agriculture enviroment not only need better growth enviroment but also accees in marketing. Nowadays Farmer only sold their product freshly and ussualy in one form. Recreate agroindustry means that we should reconsider the value of product in agriculture that should be develop in new form. 

These new form or product should multiply the value of commodities and increase the farmers welfare. In another side new form not only represent the product but also the farmer form in these new era. Farmer shoul recreate new roles not only as actors in on farm but also in on farm in order to increase their welfare.

It is not an easy task for farmer to change their daily activities, it needs helps from academic institution, Goverment and another person. These era also give big opportunity to access the market via online. 

Agriculture based on application has become a new form of product and have impact  this nto encourage young farmer to contribute in agriculture. Based on creativity these youngsters make a brand value for agriculture product, based on innovation and technology these youngsters also create a new value of product. This is what i mean recreate Agroindustry not with ussualy program but Creative program.(TPP)

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