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Smoke of Life

15 Juli 2020   16:27 Diperbarui: 15 Juli 2020   16:58 46
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Smoke of Life

Translator mr. Lambok S

One of the life's trinkets is our difficulties in giving alms. What is the cause of this problem? Why do we often postpone to do it? When is the right time for charity? Do we have to wait until we are capable or rich? or do we have to wait until we are old? No one can guarantee us to live long and to be very rich.

Shodaqoh is a path for all sins except shirk sins be forgiven. Sin is like dust, whereas the heart is like a mirror. Do not let the sins just pass away because it will later pile up like a mountain. Too much sin will cover a mirror. As a result, the mirror looks blurry which makes the eyes of our hearts less sharp. If we keep ourselves in this situation, our hearts will harden and become petrified. When the heart is petrified, then guidance is difficult to penetrate into one's soul. Remember that a bad or good person is determined by a lump of heart, so please take care of our hearts to maintain the light of our faith. 

In this life, every soul cannot be separated from sins. Of all our five senses, if we do not optimize them to seek the pleasure of Allah, this whole body will be full of sin. Let's try to introspect ourselves for just one day. How many sins have we committed starting from our vision, hearing, feeling, behavior, and mind?

Sin arises without us knowing. With this vision, sometimes we judge someone by his appearance. If he does not fit to our vision, we will talk behind him or in Javanese "ngrasani". We definitely talk about his ugly parts which lead us to do gossiping. We are aware that gossiping is like eating the carcass of a relative. Wow, this is scary, the danger of huddle. Well! Can we eat our siblings' carcass? We must be nausea and vomiting 

From our vision, the sin that often arises when someone wears excessive jewelry is we often say in our heart, "showing off like a rich person". Sometimes a person does not realize that it is one of the liver diseases. 

Do not let syaiton stir up this feeling. Rest immediately, please ask for forgiveness for the impudence of the mind that flashes in the blink of an eye. This action could avoid us from heartaches or liver diseases. This is the beauty of Islam which teaches us to guard our heart by familiarizing us with shodaqoh. 

We realize that sometimes in our heart there is a disease that has to be thrown away due to the behavior of Sadaqoh recipients. Sometimes Sadaqoh recipients feel they have never received our help. Sadaqoh recipients even call us with unpleasant words because they only get small quantity.  

Sometimes, we are talked to show off or even be stingy. This is where the role of our faith is tested. If someone follows his conscience, patient words will come out. We must reassure this heart, because it determines whether we have faith or not. It is enough to sing hard feeling and no need to feel it. Be aware that giving is better than the receiving. Tell your heart so that the liver disease is gone.  

The easiest way to do shodaqoh is by smiling. Sometimes a person is difficult to smile. I also wonder, "Why does smile too difficult? Does it because someone so arrogant that make him difficult to smile? Try to reflect on yourself, looking for the easiest reward is by giving a sincere smile.  

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