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Maria Fillieta Kusumantara
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Music Addict. Writer. Content creator




"Various Flavors in Monokrom"

7 Mei 2018   15:54 Diperbarui: 7 Mei 2018   15:56 333
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Hours of work end soon, guys. Yuhuuu, it's time to go home. Oh no, the streets will be very badly jammed later. I'm very bored and tired. Don't be upset, guys. Well, if you watched ICA 5.0 last Sunday, you would be familiar with this singer's face: Tulus. This Pop Jazz singer who was crowned as the winner in the music video of the year category on ICA 5.0 has 10 songs in his latest album, Monokrom especially these 6 hits songs of Tulus with amazing and so deep meanings that you must listen in your car/motorcycle/public transportation. Check this out!

  • Monokrom. Who live far from the family, put your hands up! First, if you listen to last song in this album, janganbaper yea hehehe. This is the snippet lyric of it : 'Dimanapun kalian berada. Kukirimkan terima kasih. Untuk warna dalam hidupku dan banyak kenangan indah. Kau melukis aku'. At a glance, we have not been able to guess what this song means. However, after seeing his music video, we know that this song tell us about the warmth live in our family especially together with mom. Hmm, sounds similar like Bunda, Melly Goeslaw's song in 1999, right?
  • Manusia Kuat. Is this song about Samson, the strong man as well as Delilah's husband? Hahaha. Unfortunately, not. This is one of encouragement song in this album. This song actually contains the motivation to keep the spirit of reaching the dream, whatever your dream. Don't care about the others scorn and don't be discouraged, guys! You can do it!
  • Pamit. You must must must listen this song because this song has entered the ranks of international songs, lho. Yea, do you remember that Russian ice skater choose this breakup of a pair of lovers anthem as companion song of European Ice Skating Championship 2018, 4 months ago? Uhh Indonesian citizen are very very very proud of you Tulus. Thumbs up!
  • Langit Abu-abu. Had you ever cheated? Not yet? Through this song you can know what it feels. Don't do it with your boyfriend/girlfriend guys! Keep her/his feelings and always be there with her/him anywhere, any occasion, any situation.
  • Ruang Sendiri. Stuck in a dull romance relationship? Maybe you have to play this song to your boyfriend/girlfriend that you've ever met all day and every time, say that we need space for ourselves, certainly with a good way yea plus the strains of a sweet orchestra.
  • Tukar Jiwa. Women's feelings are hard to understand, do you agree? Hmm, you're not alone cause Tulus have same feeling with you. His feeling is told in this song that hopes with exchange souls, women can know how he feels now. 

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