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"Moh Hatta, Our Nasional Hero"

5 April 2018   15:18 Diperbarui: 5 April 2018   15:35 311
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

He is an Indonesian nationalist leader and first vice president of NKRI. He was born in Bukittinggi, West sumatera in 1902. He spent his academic time in the Netherlands. In 1932, he received a doctorate in economics in 1932. His name is Muhammad Hatta, more often called bung hatta.

When he returned to Indonesia, he became active in the Indonesian Nationalist movement. Because of his activity, he arrested by the Dutch in 1934 and was imprisoned on the island of Bandanaira. When the Dutch surrendered to Japanese, he was released by the Japanese colonial in 1942

In 1945, after the proclamation of Indonesia's, Hatta became vice Republic under Soekarno as NKRI president. By 1948 Hatta was the prime minister of the struggling government. As vice president, he has many disagreeing opinion with the decision of President Soekarno. So, he resigned in 1956. After Soekarno stepped down in 1996, Hatta served the new government in various advisory roles in economic and financial matters.

In 1980, he died as one of the national heroes. He had devoted his life for the national interest, not only in struggling period, but also in the developing era.

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