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The E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact and Solution

15 Agustus 2020   11:57 Diperbarui: 2 November 2020   14:08 764
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

The Covid-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world does not seem to show the point of light will subside. Covid-19 is first discovered in Wuhan (China), this pandemic comes from a new type of corona virus infection that can be transmitted from one person to the others by droplets.

This virus can cause some symptoms such as dry cough, fever, body aches, sore throat, diarrhea, headache, to respiratory failure. Although the appeared symptoms seem like general symptoms, the dangerous thing from Covid-19 is its rapid transmission and no formation of antibodies in the human body because the SARS-CoV-2 virus type is a new virus in which the characteristics are unknown. For some people (adults, elderly, and children) this virus has a high risk of causing severe symptoms until death.

Currently, all countries including Indonesia is fighting something invisible because the discovery of vaccines still requires a long time. The only way to break the chain of spreading is by implementing physical distancing. Of course, many aspects are affected by this policy, such as public health, economy, social politics, tourism, and the educational aspect.

The Minister of Education and Culture, Mr. Nadiem Makarim, takes a look at other countries, calling for the implementation of online learning start from elementary school to university during the Covid-19 pandemic. Online teaching and learning using video meeting applications is the main choice considering that teachers can face to face with students virtually and the materials also can be well received.

Unfortunately, many policies have positive and negative side(s), no exception, the e-learning policies. It likes a double-edged-swords. Students can feel the benefits of online learning, such as being able to record the materials clearly using the recording option provided by the apps, easier to revise the notes, and review the materials later. In addition, online learning also reduces the costs for students, for example costs for lunch and laundry, plus, cost for transportation which is now changed to internet quota (it is cheaper than transportation costs, which calculated per month). Another positive side, parents can control the children because they do not have to be in class to follow the learning process.

Meanwhile, there are some problems that must be noted by schools in the implementation of online learning, such as lack of internet access for students who are in the countryside and students whose families are economically difficult as the effect of the pandemic. Purchasing internet quota that is charged to students can also be a problem itself. In addition to this, the teachers who see online learning as a means of giving assignments without any feedback make students feel burdened with stacks of assignments. Moreover, if parents are not able to fully control their children in the online learning process, this would allow cheating, remember that teachers are also unable to control the students' attendance.

This double-edged-sword should be reviewed by the school and the government before giving policies whether still continue e-learning until this pandemic ends or imposes new normal by tightening the health protocol at school. However, if you see the conditions in Indonesia today where positive cases are massively increasing each day, it seems like students will still doing e-learning with all its risks. For this reason, solutions for some problems in the e-learning system are needed to make it more effective and not become a burden.

First, the school can conduct an online survey for teachers and parents of students, this is done as an evaluation if there are problems during e-learning. Then, parents'  will also help the improvement of the e-learning system, so it can run effectively. It aims to make the schools giving policies, at least have a more positive impact and reach "win-win solution".

The school can provide internet quota assistance to all teachers and students as school facilities. Moreover, this policy can also reduce the possibility of teachers or students going outside to access the internet, thereby it reduces the spread of the Covid-19. Facility assistance must also be given to students with a low economic background and whose family affected by Covid-19, for example, parents that are laid off or under treatment due to the Covid-19.

Giving an appeal to the teachers that the purpose of e-learning is to make students understand the materials, not only replacing the class with assignments. The school can monitor the implementation and process of e-learning, is there any teacher who is still being technology illiterate which makes them prefer to give more assignments. If it is still found, the school must help them by giving options, for example, making the WhatsApp group where teachers provide an explanation via voice message or assisted by the school admin in holding online classes so that the teaching and learning process still can go optimally.

For online examinations, it should be facilitated with technology that does not allow students to cheat or browse the answers. This can be done by requiring students to activate the webcam on a laptop and there are members of the teacher who controlling. Webcam can also be applied when the teacher provides e-learning material so the teachers still can control and ensure students that they are present at the online meeting.

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