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5 Interesting Things from Tiktok during Coronavirus

12 Juni 2020   17:32 Diperbarui: 12 Juni 2020   17:21 47
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Inovasi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp

In  this  situation, the  government  appealed to  the  public  to  remain #StayatHome and implement  physical  distancing. With  the  implemented  policy,  it  certainly  makes  activities disturbed and restricted.In addition, with all the news in the media about the Covid-19 case that   makes   it   more   saturated. But   don't   worry, Tiktok   is   here   to   provide   the   best entertainment for people who are at home.

The presence  of Tiktok  in  the  middle  of  the  pandemic  has  become  a  popular social media  platform and  very  helpful  for  people  finding  activities  and entertainment.  Many interesting things can be seen from Tiktok and make people addicted. In this article, we are going to tell you 5 the fun thing about using tiktok? Here you go!

  • Find More Tips and Trik

With the #StayatHome policy and work from home it actually makes you have a lot of free time. You can use this free time to try and learn new things. One of the things youcan try is cooking and making videos. Tiktok has a variety of content about recipes, tips and tricks to learning other languages like English or Korean. There's a lot that you can try and  the  knowledge  gained  even  though  #StayatHome  is  using  Tiktok.  What  are  you waiting? Explore now!

  • Following the Challenge 

Beside food recipes, tips & tricks or learn languages, you can also follow the challenges in Tiktok. More people are downloading and using Tiktok to make more challenges. Notonly the entertainment challenge, in Tiktok there is also a challenge that aims to educate the public amid the Covid-19 outbreak, such as one of the hand washing challenges that teaches  how  to  wash  hands  properly.These  challenges  are  also  followed  by  various people in the world. What challenges have you tried?

  • Learn to Dance

Have a hobby of dancing? In Tiktok, you can spend your time with dancing. It's okay if you can't, because you can learn from the easy to the difficult. You can also learn dance from your favorite artists because not a few artists who use tiktok to share their dance videos. Like one of the Korean girl band, Blackpink who uploaded a dance video of one of their hits or create your own dance moves with your favorite songsat home.

  • Search more humor

Bored with your TV Channel and need something funny? Tiktok is the answer! You can find funny content available at Tiktok. Tiktok also becomes one of the social media that provides  entertainment  when  you  get  bored.  You  can  use  funny  effects  and stickers provided when you want to make a video. You can also combine your funny videos with other people's videos.

  • As a media campaign

The  existence  of  Tiktok has  also  become  one  of the  media  in  conducting campaigns especially    during    this    pandemic.    One    campaign    that    is    also    a    challenge    is #coronaviruschallenge     #nursecapchallenge    #pahlawangardadepan. Not only  as entertainment,  but  not  a  few  campaigns  are  also  a  passion  for  medical  workers  who struggle in dealing with Covid-19.

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