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Ilmu Sosbud

Critical Review of Sam and Skipper (Novel)

20 Januari 2022   12:20 Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2022   12:23 609
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Critical review of Skipper and Sam (Novel)

There was a boy who wanted a dog since childhood. The boy's name was Sam. Shortly before his sixth birthday, he got a brown puppy named Skipper.

Skipper grew up so fast that he became a big bad dog and liked to steal anything he could get his hands on at mealtime. He kept growing bigger until he ate his first bed and Sam's mother was furious about it. So they found a new bed for him, but Skipper's condition continued to deteriorate. Skipper got sick from biting the new bed all the time. When checked by the vet, the vet said that Skipper had lost his pup's teeth and needed some exercise to keep him from fatigue. So Sam started training the skipper patiently, so little by little he achieved success.

In another day Aunt Mona and Primrose come for tea, and Skipper has a problem with Primrose because she has soiled Primrose's new clothes. Surprisingly, Sam and Primrose have a better relationship and have a great experience climbing the apple tree together. There was a dog show in the park, Sam and Skipper also attended the show, and luckily Skipper won the race in 3rd place.

One day Sam had a fight with his friend Kate. But Skipper disappeared. So that Sam was very worried, he and his mother tried to find the skipper together, and finally they found him at the police station. After that incident, there was a lot of talk about Sam and Skipper, from the Harvest Festival incident, Skipper's new experience as a savior, to the terrible moment when Skipper broke Aunt May's vase. In this novel, the skipper causes a lot of problems and anxiety for Sam's mother. Now Skipper is no longer a puppy, but a grown dog that needs a good home because Sam's house is not enough to accommodate Skipper. Sam is very afraid to let go of Skipper, but his father surprises him by making a new home that is very comfortable and perfect for Skipper.

Captain and Crew were great. Very friendly and helpful and they tried their best to find us fish but for an overnight trip, we were completely skunked. Not one bite! Seemed other boats were having trouble too but that was unconfirmed. Regardless, it was still completely disappointing to not even get a bite for the cost of the overnight trip and the time invested. Could be just the day, stuff does happens. However we will try another charter next time. Documenting here in case it’s a pattern with their overnight trips. Great friendly crew but we got completely skunked.  Great experience, Ross made it alot more exciting and made sure we had a blast. Great guy and guide. Would strongly recommend to read every single time.

Had a great time with Skipper Mike and Sam, put us on lots of fish and couldn’t ask for more. They were awesome, highly recommend this group. Captain and crew are at ease and easy to work with. Beautiful location and a bunch of smaller sea bass (lost track of how many). My father caught a shark, and we caught three halibut and a red fish. Taking home some meat! Boat was not ship shape. Could use a bit of elbow grease, paint, and decluttering. But it’s a fishing boat, not a cruise boat. Additional benefit: the navy ships. Saw every type of ship in the fleet, including the Lincoln and Carl Vinson.

Title: Skipper and Sam

Writer: Carolyn Dinan

Publisher: Faber & Faber Ltd

Year of publications: 1984

Writer of critical review: Richatul Mas’udah, Indri Soraya, Selmatuz Zahra

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