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Ilmu Sosbud

Prices of Chilies and List of Other Needs in Kaget Market at Tangerang Regency Increase: Many People Experiencing a Tough Situation

12 Juni 2022   10:40 Diperbarui: 12 Juni 2022   22:48 125
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Tangerang Regency - The prices of necessities such as chilies, red onions, tomatoes, chicken, and beef have risen in the Kaget Market, Tangerang Regency. One of the sellers said prices began to rise gradually a week ago. He suspects that the price increase is due to weather factors.

"It should have been a dry season in June, but the weather has been uncertain lately and it often rains and floods, so the supply is reduced, that's why it's expensive," said one of the sellers at the Kaget Market, Tangerang Regency (11/6/22).

This situation made the number of sellers reduce supply to avoid losses because there are also fewer buyers due to high prices. It's not only the sellers who find it difficult; many residents also find this situation difficult.

"In the past I used to buy chilies for around 50 thousand rupiah for 1 kg, but now it can reach 100 thousand rupiah for 1 kg, this makes situations harder for me to supply household needs so I also reduce purchases of chilies," said Ludiah, a housewife who used to buy necessities at the Kaget Market, Tangerang Regency (11/6/22).

Not only has the price of chilies risen significantly. The price of red onions is also increasing where they usually can be purchased at the cost of 40 thousand rupiah for 1 kg, and now they can reach a charge of 52 thousand rupiah for 1 kilogram. Tomatoes are also experiencing an increase from 500 rupiah to 2 thousand rupiah for one tomato. Prices of chicken and beef have also increased. Previously, a chicken fillet could be purchased at 40 thousand rupiah for 1 kg, and now it is 50 thousand rupiah for 1 kg. Meanwhile, beef, which used to be around 120 thousand rupiah for 1 kg, is now 140 thousand rupiah for 1 kg.

The increasing price of necessities puts many society's elements in a tough situation. They hope the costs will start normalizing again so the situation will be better.

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