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Olivia Marveline
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English is Not Enough, We Need Other Languages Too!

3 Oktober 2020   14:43 Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2020   15:12 164
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Hello, my name is Olivia and you can call me Liv for short. I'm going to talk about something that is related with education and also culture. It is about foreign language teaching at school. What do you think about foreign language teaching at school? Do you think it is necessary? For some yes, for others no. Many people, especially in Indonesia are now struggling because of their lack in speaking foreign language because they only learn it formally without practical. Thus, this is soon to realize that, we need to learn foreign language to survive in this world.

English is a universal language that has made an impact in our daily lives. With this universal language, we can easily use our tools that are usually instructed in English. I'm gonna say, that English language in Indonesia these days are improving. You maybe asking, why? Because everything that revolves around our lives are mostly in English, maybe with a little bit of improvised. 

Like for the example, the word 'televisi' in Bahasa Indonesia is from the word 'television' which is in English, these causes us to learn the English language. But, not only English, we also found some instructions in other languages, such as Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, that were included in the instruction card or on the keypads. Thus, we can say that foreign languages has gradually influence our daily life bits by bits.

Schools these days offer English or even Mandarin based teaching and learning, thus making children these days at the age of 5 are already speaking in fluent English compare to the past where English are not so familiar 'till the age of middle school or high school. I am happy to hear this things because we're already entering the era of globalization. No matter how isolated you are to the outside world, you'll still be receiving informations about how the world is working in English. This era makes us more vulnerable with the cultures from other countries including their languages. 

But, we can see that English based learning and teaching are no longer an extra points for school, but if the school has other than English language based teaching and learning, such as Mandarin, Spanish, Korean, German, it will be better because it is benefit in the future remembering the era of globalization are going to reach its full potential, where not only English but other foreign language will become a universal language also. This is also benefit for us when we go on travelling in the near future where not every country are able to speak in English.

In my conclusion, institutions these days need to go international. English only is not enough to cover up the future workplace, thus institutions need to provide other foreign languages to support this globalization era. This is also will open up our minds that the Earth we live in is such a big and wide space, where we should explore every bits of it to know that there are many wonderful things. Thank you for reading my article and I hope that this globalization era will make us more aware of learning foreign languages even more.

Picture source:

by : Olivia Marveline - 200907234

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