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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Reflecting on "Men in Black: International" (2019) About Technology for Education

30 November 2020   03:11 Diperbarui: 30 November 2020   03:27 174
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Men in Black: International, starring the famous actor Chris Hemsworth and his co-star, Tessa Thompson, released in 2019. This film tells about agents who work in the Men in Black (MIB) organization to protect the earth from the criminals of the universe. Chris Hemsworth (as Agent H) and Tessa Thompson (as Agent M) act as agents in Men in Black to deal with aliens who are acting strangely and have to overcome their biggest threat, the spies in the Men in Black organization. The agents in MIB are equipped with advanced technology as their facilities while they are agents at MIB.

Starting from Molly (Tessa Thompson), who in her childhood was visited by a small alien at her house and this was discovered by the MIB, who then came to Molly's house to investigate the incident. When Molly grew up, it turned out that she became obsessed with extraterrestrial life, such as aliens. Because of Molly's obsession with aliens, she applied to become an agent in the MIB organization as Agent M. While at the MIB office, Agent M met the best agent in there, Agent H who later became her partner to solve the chaos that occurred on earth due to the attack from aliens. They have a mission to fight a ferocious alien attack named Hive who can transform into a human and threatens security on earth and the MIB organization itself. And it turns out that the mastermind behind this chaos is an alien Hive himself who is highly respected at MIB, namely Agent High T (Liam Neeson) who has been a spy in MIB so that it threatens the safety of MIB agents. Eventually Agent H and Agent M managed to destroy Hive even though they lost Agent High T who was highly respected at MIB.

The technology used in this film also varies from weapons, transportation, personal accessories as personal protection, communication tools between agents, and others. The weaponry used consists of various types of sophisticated special firing equipment that are used when dealing with aliens. The transportation they use is also no less sophisticated, starting from ordinary trains when boarded by MIB agents, which can turn into sophisticated trains without railways that can travel around the earth and motor vehicles equipped with advanced features such as being able to fly and cross water. Their personal protective accessories are special sunglasses that can reveal something that no ordinary human can see. The communication tool between agents they use is a multifunctional hologram screen, not only for communication but also as an enemy attack detector and an area detector.

Reflecting on the various technologies used in films, there are several technologies that can be applied in our education system. Such as transportation technology that can be used by students when going to and from school, it doesn't have to be exactly the same as in the film but can be adapted as a means of transportation with special routes for schools in each region so that students don't get stuck in traffic so it's never being late. Then what is quite influential for the smooth running of teaching and learning activities is a communication tool with hologram screen technology. This screen can be used for communication between students and teachers. Not only as a means of communication but can also be used as a substitute for books or as a device for presentation.

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