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Linda Patimasang
Linda Patimasang Mohon Tunggu... Guru -

Lahir di Balikpapan dan belajar disana hingga tamat SMP. Melanjutkan studi di Muntilan dan Yogyakarta. Pernah bekerja sebagai guru privat Bahasa Inggris, tutor Bahasa Indonesia untuk orang asing, reporter dan penyiar radio, MC, penulis di sebuah majalah komunitas, dan saat ini mengajar di sebuah sekolah internasional di Jakarta. Suka menulis, membaca, mendengarkan musik, nonton, travelling, dan berkeliaran di dunia maya. Saat ini tinggal bersama anak lelakinya di Jakarta dan berharap tetap memiliki ruang untuk mengaktualisasiakan diri dan mimpi.




Santa Claus is Coming to Town...

12 Desember 2009   06:42 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:58 190
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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

In the school playground, Klara (5) and Bella (5) were sitting side by side, talking about how Santa might came to their classroom for the Christmas Party on that day. Bella:" You know, I think Santa will not come through the chimney." Klara: "No, he won't. I think he will just come from the door." Bella: "Yes, because our class don't have chimney. Do you know why, Klara?" Klara: "I know. All houses in Jakarta don't have chimney. My house in Jakarta don't have chimney." Bella: "My house no chimney, too." Teacher: "Klara, how do you know that all houses in Jakarta don't have chimney?" Klara: "Yes, Sweden when it's cold, Mummy will over there and the smoke will come out from the chimney. But in here, Mummy don't make fire." Teacher: "Why not?" Klara: "Because it's not cold here, so Mummy don't make fire." Bella: "Yes, my Nana (Grandma) said Jakarta is very hot, like in Bali." Teacher: "So, do you think Santa will come to our class today?" Bella: " Yes, but from he door. Not from the chimney. Right, Klara?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The children were very excited during the Christmas Party, especially when Santa gave out all the presents. After that, Santa went away and said Good-Bye to the children. Some children were still curious who behind the Santa costume was. Kayla: "You know, Emma? I think the Santa is uncle Mike again (Mike is Carol's,the teacher, husband)" Emma: "How do you know, Kayla?" Kayla: "I just know it." After a while, uncle Mike came to the class and started to mingle with all the parents and children. When Kayla saw him, she said, " Heyyy!! It must be you!" Mike: "Excuse me?" Kayla: "Yes! Santa is you. You is Santa!" Mike: "Owh..that is not possible. Who is Santa, anyway?" Kayla: "Santa Claus! The one with the long beard and red costume!" Mike: "Really? I wish I could meet him and say 'hi' " Kayla left him still with big curiosity and played with her friends again.  She went to the toilet and found some Santa stuff in a big plastic bag. She ran to Mike and said, "Uncle Mike, it must be you! Emma, look here what I find!" Emma ran to the toilet and looked at inside. He came to Mike, pulled his hands, and asked Mike to follow her. Emma: "Look! See? Aha!" (She gave her winning smile) Mike: "But Santa came out from the door, and I came out from the toilet. It is impossible!" Emma: "You know, our room and the toilet is connected with the other room. You must have came in there and stayed in the toilet and changed clothes! Right?" Kayla: " is an old joke! Hahaha....Now I know who the Santa! Ahahhahah..."

Silence is not golden. Spoken words are opportunities for learning that should take place throughout the day - especially during conversations between children and between teachers and children. -Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD  [child brain development expert]

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